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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Production of Transgenic Mice by Type-A Spermatogonia-Mediated Gene Transfer
Type-A spermatogonia first appear at between 3-7 d postnatally in mice and are the only immortalized diploid cells that reproduce in adulthood in these animals. In our current study, we explored the feasibility of producing stable transgenic mice using these cells. Enhanced pEGFP-N1 plasmids were suspended in ExGen500 transfection reagent and injected at different angles into the testes of 7-d-old male ICR mice. The resulting type-A spermatogonia-mediated gene transfer (TASMGT) mice were then mated with normal females at different stages of sexual maturity (6, 12, and 24 wk). The integration and expression of the introduced EGFP gene was evaluated in the F1 transgenic offspring by PCR and Southern blotting analysis. The foreign gene integration rates for a low-dose group (15 μL gene suspension injected into each testis) and a high-dose group (30 μL suspensions injected) at the three stages of female sexual maturity tested were 11.76% (2/17), 14.29% (3/21), and 11.11% (2/18), and 5% (1/20), 5.56% (1/18), and 0 (0/17), respectively. The average integration rates for these two dose groups were 12.5% (7/56) and 3.64% (2/55), respectively, which was a significant difference (P0.05). Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis further showed that the introduced GFP gene was expressed in 3/9 integration mice. In addition, GFP expression was observed in the sperm cells from the TASMGT mice, and also in the embryos and F2 pups from the F1 generation transgenic mice. Hence, although the foreign gene integration rate for TASMGT is not high and the transgenic offspring show as yet unexplained defects, our results indicate that this method is a potentially feasible and reproducible new approach to creating transgenic mice.
JU Hui-mingBAI Li-jingREN Hong-yanMU Yu-lianYANG Shu-linLI Kui
Cloning and Functional Analysis of the Porcine Growth Hormone Gene Promoter被引量:1
[Objective] This study aimed to clone the porcine growth hormone gene promoter and determine the core promoter sequences and the cis-acting elements. [Method] Sequence of the 5'flanking region of porcine growth hormone gene was searched out and downloaded from the NCBI website. According to the targeted se- quence, primers were designed and synthesized for the PCR amplification. The 1 882 bp (-1 821 bp-+61 bp) fragment was amplified by PCR. Nine promoter frag- ments with different lengths were obtained by genome-walking deletion method and then cloned into luciferase reporter vectors. Relative transcriptional activities of these 5' terminal-deleted plasmids in pituitary and non-pituitary cells were determined by transient transfection of the rat pituitary adenoma cell (GH3), porcine lilac endotheli- um cell (PIEC) and porcrne Kidney-15 (PK15) with the constructed dual-luciferase vectors. [Result] Result of DNA sequencing showed that the 1 882 bp fragment of GH 5' promoter was successfully cloned. Nine luciferase reporter gene plasmids were constructed. DuaI-Luciferase reporter assay indicated that the promoter inserted into reporter gene vector had very strong cell specificity. [Conclusion] Porcine growth hormone gene specifically expresses in pituitary cells. The minimal promoter of the porcine growth hormone gene is mapped at the region -110 bp-+61 bp. Promoter regions 218 bp--110 bp and -429 bp--218 bp contain positive regulatory elements.
采用定量PCR(Quantification PCR,QPCR)方法,比较分析了基质金属蛋白酶3(TIMP3)基因在长白猪和通城猪间的组织表达谱,同时比较分析了其在这2个猪种胚胎期(33,45,55,65,70和90d)和出生后(0,9,30,60,120和160d)骨骼肌生长发育过程中的差异性表达。组织表达谱结果表明,TIMP3基因在不同猪种的各组织器官中广泛表达,除在腿肌和胰腺中有所差异外,TIMP3基因在两个猪种间的组织表达谱基本是一致的,在肺脏和子宫中表达最高,在背肌、脾脏和胃中表达较高,在肠、心脏、肾脏和肝脏中表达最低。与出生后阶段相比,TIMP3基因在2个猪种胚胎期均显著高表达(P<0.05),但其表达变化趋势在2个猪种间存在差异;与在长白猪胚胎期相比,该基因在通城猪胚胎期中的高表达水平维持在一个更大的范围内。本试验结果提示,TIMP3基因可能参与不同类型猪种骨骼肌生长发育异步性的调控,影响到不同类型猪种的产肉性状。
Long-term,multidomain analyses to identify the breed and allelic effects in MSTN-edited pigs to overcome lameness and sustainably improve nutritional meat production被引量:6
Beef and mutton production has been aided by breeding to integrate allelic diversity for myostatin(MSTN),but a lack of diversity in the MSTN germplasm has limited similar advances in pig farming.Moreover,insurmountable challenges with congenital lameness and a dearth of data about the impacts of feed conversion,reproduction,and meat quality in MSTN-edited pigs have also currently blocked progress.Here,in a largest-to-date evaluation of multiple MSTN-edited pig populations,we demonstrated a practical alternative edit-site-based solution that overcomes the major production obstacle of hindlimb weakness.We also provide long-term and multidomain datasets for multiple breeds that illustrate how MSTN-editing can sustainably increase the yields of breed-specific lean meat and the levels of desirable lipids without deleteriously affecting feed-conversion rates or litter size.Apart from establishing a new benchmark for the data scale and quality of genome-edited animal production,our study specifically illustrates how gene-editing site selection profoundly impacts the phenotypic outcomes in diverse genetic back-grounds.
Ziyao FanZhiguo LiuKui XuTianwen WuJinxue RuanXinmin ZhengShideng BaoYulian MuTad SonstegardKui Li
Identification,bioinformatic analysis and expression profiling of candidate mRNA-like non-coding RNAs in Sus scrofa被引量:7
Messenger RNA-like non-coding RNAs (mlncRNAs) are a newly identified group of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that may be involved in a number of critical cellular events. In this study, 93 candidate porcine mlncRNAs were obtained by computational prediction and screening, among which 72 were mapped to the porcine genome. Further analysis of 8 representative candidates revealed that these mlncRNA candidates are not highly conserved among species. Remarkably, one of the candidates, sTF35495, was found to be precursor of a putative porcine microRNA. By RACE PCR, we determined that the full length of sTF35495 was 3 kb. The protein-coding potential of this RNA was tested in silico with no significant finding. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the subgroup of 8 candidates revealed two distinct expression profiles and two molecules were further validated by real-time PCR. The predicted pre-microRNA sequence in this study provides a potentially interesting insight into the in vivo function of porcine mlncRNAs and our findings suggest that they play key biological roles in Sus scrofa.
Bang XiaoXingju ZhangYong LiZhonglin TangShulin YangYulian MuWentao CuiHong AoKui Li
Characterization of Porcine APC13:Its Interaction with Transcription Factor Sp1 and Association with Immune Traits
APC13,a subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex(APC),plays an important role in cell cycle. In this study,we...
试验旨在摸索猪卵母细胞孤雌激活的电场强度和脉冲时间,并探索渗透压阶段培养法对孤雌胚胎后期发育的影响。猪卵母细胞成熟培养42~44h后,分别在电场强度2.1、2.3、2.5kV/mm和脉冲时间30、60、90!s的9组电激活参数下进行孤雌激活试验;卵母细胞在2.1kV/mm和30!s的参数下进行孤雌激活后,分别培养于渗透压为271、280、290、302mOsm的PZM-3中,48h后移入渗透压280mOsm的PZM-3中继续培养96h;孤雌胚胎于电激活后先在含2mmol/L 6-DMAP的PZM-3中培养4~6h,然后移入不含6-DMAP的PZM-3中继续培养。试验结果表明,电场强度和脉冲时间两个参数间无显著的交互作用(P>0.05),脉冲时间相同条件下,卵裂率在不同电场强度条件下均无显著差异(P>0.05),2.1和2.5kV/mm的电场强度条件下,脉冲时间为30!s时的卵裂率显著高于60和90!s(P<0.05),而2.3kV/mm电场强度下3个脉冲时间试验组的卵裂率无显著差异(P>0.05),各试验组的囊胚率无显著差异(P>0.05);孤雌胚胎在渗透压为290~310mOsm的PZM-3中培养48h,卵裂率得到显著提高(P<0.05),渗透压对囊胚率无显著影响(P>0.05);6-DMAP对孤雌胚胎卵裂率无显著影响(P>0.05),但可以显著提高囊胚率(P<0.05)。结果提示,猪卵母细胞孤雌激活需要较高的电场强度(2.1~2.3kV/mm)而脉冲时间不宜过长(30!s);48h的高渗培养和6-DMAP的辅助激活有助于孤雌胚胎的后期发育。
跨膜蛋白66(TMEM66)是与细胞凋亡以及癌症发生密切相关的重要功能基因,为了在个体水平研究其生物学功能,我们进行了TMEM66基因突变体(TMEM66V)转基因小鼠的构建。本研究通过原核注射法进行转基因操作,将获得的312个受精卵移植到13只代孕母鼠中,运用PCR、Southern blotting对出生的小鼠进行转基因鉴定,对于转基因阳性小鼠通过传代试验研究外源基因是否稳定整合,并通过反向PCR方法研究外源基因的整合方式。结果显示在出生的55只小鼠中有6只为转基因阳性,其中3只转基因小鼠可以稳定传代,表明这些小鼠中外源基因发生了稳定整合。反向PCR检测结果发现外源片段是以串联重复的方式整合到转基因小鼠的基因组中。本研究成功构建了TMEM66基因突变体转基因小鼠,为进一步研究TMEM66基因的功能奠定了基础。
根据已经公布的植酸酶appA2基因序列,设计合成了1对特异性引物,应用RT-PCR技术从大肠杆菌中扩增得到植酸酶appA2基因,并将其克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(+)中,构建了重组真核表达质粒pcDNA-appA2,对重组表达质粒鉴定正确后,转染猪PK15细胞,经G418筛选后,通过实时荧光定量PCR检测细胞内appA2表达,同时测定细胞内植酸酶的活性,检测结果表明,本试验成功构建了pcDNA-appA2重组真核表达载体,转染细胞后appA2的表达量是对照组的1 686.55倍,同时具有较好的植酸酶活性,为通过生物反应器制备植酸酶研究奠定了基础。