The microstucture, mechanical properties and fracture behaviors of semi-continuous cast Mg-8Gd- 3Y-0.5Zr (wt.%, GW83K) alloy after different heat treatments were investigated. Almost all the eutectic compounds were dissolved into the matrix and there was no evident grain growth after optimum solution treatment at 500 ~C for 4 h. Further ageing at low temperatures led to significant precipitation hardening, which strengthened the alloy. Peak-aged at 200℃, the alloy had the highest ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and lowest elongation at 395 MPa and 2.8%, respectively. When aged at 225℃ for 15 h, the alloy exhibited prominent mechanical performance with UTS and elongation of 363 MPa and 5.8 %, respectively. With regard to microstructure and tensile properties, the processes of 500℃, 4 h + 225℃, 15 h are selected as the optimal heat treatment conditions. The alloy under different conditions shows different fracture behaviors: in the as-cast alloy, a quasi-cleavage pattern is observed; after solution treatment, the alloy exhibits a trans-granular quasi-cleavage fracture; after being peak-aged at 200℃ and 225℃, the fracture mode is a mixed mode of trans-granular and inter-granular fracture, in which the inter-granular mode is dominant in the alloy peak-aged at 200℃.
Grain refinement of AZ31 Mg alloy during cyclic extrusion compression (CEC) at 225-400 ℃ was investigated quantitatively by electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD). Results show that an ultrafine grained microstructure of AZ31 alloy is obtained only after 3 passes of CEC at 225 ℃. The mean misorientation and the fraction of high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) increase gradually by lowering extrusion temperature. Only a small fraction of {101^-2} twinning is observed by EBSD in AZ31 Mg alloys after 3 passes of CEC. Schmid factors calculation shows that the most active slip system is pyramidal slip {101^-1}〈1120〉and basal slip {0001}〈1120〉 at 225-350 ℃ and 400 ℃, respectively. Direct evidences at subgrain boundaries support the occurrence of continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) mechanism in grain refinement of AZ31 Mg alloy processed by CEC.
The sliding friction and wear behaviors of Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn-0.5Zr (wt%) alloy were investigated under oil lubricant condition by pin-on-disk configuration with a constant sliding distance of 1,000 m in the temperature range of 25-200℃. Results indicate that the volumetric wear rates and average friction coefficients decrease with the increase of sliding speeds, and increase with the increase of test temperature below 150℃. The hard and thermally stable Mg12(Y,Gd)Zn phase with long-period stacking order structure in the alloy presents significant wear resistance, The wear mechanism below 100℃ is abrasive wear as a result of plastic extrusion deformation. The corporate effects of severe abrasive, oxidative, and delaminating wear result in the tribological mechanism above 100℃.