Coal moisture control (CMC) in coking process, which reduces coal moisture before loading the coal into the coke oven, allows substantial reduction in coking energy consumption and increase in coke productivity. The technology is seeking to integrate the coal classification, thus calling it the coal classifying moisture control (CCMC), to separate the fine and coarse coal fractions in the CMC process so that the downstream coal crushing can only treat the coarse fraction. CCMC adopts a reactor that integrates a fluidized bottom section and a pneumatic conveying top section. The present work investigates the pneumatic classification behavior in a laboratory CCMC reactor with such a configuration by removing the coal fraction below a given size (e.g., 3.0 mm) from a 0 to 20.0 mm coal feed. The results show that the coal classification were dominated by the gas velocity in the top conveying section, and the required gas velocity for ensuring the maximal degree of removing a fine coal fraction could be roughly predicted by the Richardson and Zaki equation. The effect of bottom fluidization on the performance of CCMC is also examined.
在概述最新研发的微型流化床反应分析(micro-fluidized bed reaction analysis,MFBRA)方法与应用的基础上,应用该方法进一步研究了半焦-CO2、半焦-水蒸气等温气化反应动力学,并与热重分析(thermogravimet-ric analyzer,TGA)求取的气化反应动力学数据比较。在最小化气体扩散的实验条件下,利用MFBRA和TGA测定求算的半焦-CO2、半焦-水蒸气气化反应在受反应动力学控制的低温段的活化能非常接近,说明了MFBRA对等温气化反应分析的适用性和可靠性。实验研究还发现:半焦-CO2、半焦-水蒸气气化反应在MFBRA中受反应动力学控制的温度范围较在TGA中明显宽,且在具有明显扩散影响的高温段通过MFBRA测定的半焦-CO2气化反应表观活化能明显大于利用TGA测定的值,表明在MFBRA中受到的气体扩散抑制效应较小。