国家自然科学基金(81030061) 作品数:4 被引量:9 H指数:2 相关作者: 陈忠 张翔南 刘艳 马婧 徐阿晶 更多>> 相关机构: 浙江大学 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划 更多>> 相关领域: 医药卫生 更多>>
小鼠匹鲁卡品癫痫模型潜伏期CA3区后放电阈值及脑电频谱能量的变化 目的匹鲁卡品(pilocarpine)癫痫模型的潜伏期被认为是其癫痫自发的形成过程。本实验采用小鼠匹鲁卡品模型,研究潜伏期内电刺激诱导的后放电阈值(A DT)以及脑电(EEG)频谱能量的变化。方法ICR小鼠立体定位在右侧... 徐层林 许正浩 陈忠Low frequency stimulation of entorhinal cortex inhibits hippocampal neuronal activities and fast kindling seizures Objective The entorhinal cortex(EC) is a potential target for low frequency stimulation(LFS,1Hz)treatment of t... Zheng-hao XU Yi WANG An-Feng TAO Ceng-Lin XU Miao-Miao JIN Kai ZHONG Shi-Hong ZHANG Zhong CHEN关键词:EPILEPSY KINDLING 文献传递 酸后处理对脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 目的 探讨酸后处理,即在再灌早期给予一段短时间的酸化处理,是否对脑缺血再灌注损伤具有保护作用.方法 本实验采用小鼠大脑中动脉栓塞(MCAO)模型和大鼠皮质原代神经元氧糖剥夺(OGD)模型.在再灌早期不同时间点吸入含有20... 沈哲 范彦英 张翔南 陈忠The crucial period for focal low frequency stimulation inhibiting the development of amygdala-kindling in rats <正>Objective To investigate whether there is a crucial period for focal low frequency stimulation(LFS) inhibit... Yi WANG,Zheng-Hao XU,Yang LIU,Kai ZHONG,Ceng-Lin XU,Wei-Wei HOU,Shi-Hong ZHANG,Zhong CHEN~* Institute of Neuroscience,Department of Pharmacology,College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,School of Medicine, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China关键词:EPILEPSY 文献传递 疏水性分形材料PPP对星形胶质细胞的生长与分化的影响 目的 星形胶质细胞对于维持脑功能有着重要作用,它在体内的作用与它的立体结构密切相关.而传统的体外培养的星形胶质细胞失去了它典型的多突触星形状,呈现出扁平的形态.本实验采用由三棕榈酸甘油酯(PPP)合成的具有斥水性的分形材... 王喆 胡薇薇 陈忠Multiple role of minocycline in chronic ischemic cerebral white matter injury OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investi- gate the protection of minocycline in chronic ischemic cerebra... 马婧文献传递 Effect of histaminergic system on brain ischemia Ischemic stroke is a disease with high mortality and a main leading cause of disability.However,few effective ... 袁杨文献传递 Histamine modulation of acute nociception involves regulation of Nav1.8 in primary afferent neurons in mice OBJECTIVE To explore the role of histamine in acute pain perception.METHODS We studied the sensitivity to acut... 于捷 Hiroshi Ohtsu文献传递 Astrocytes cultured on water-repellent fractal tripalmitin surface demonstrate superior morphology and functions compared with traditional culture substrate Objective In the CNS,astrocytes play an essential role with their multiple functions and sophisticated structu... Zhe WANG Wei-Wei HU Bi-Yuan HONG Shan-Shan ZHANG Wen-Yun FANG Zhong CHEN关键词:ASTROCYTE FRACTAL TRIPALMITIN 文献传递 Rescuing the ischemic brains by inducing ER stress <正>Aim:The contributions of endoplasmic reticulum(ER) stress in cerebral ischemia/ reperfusion(I/R)-induced in... Yang YUAN Jie-qiong GAO Zhe SHEN Jing-ying ZHANG Yao SHEN Wei-wei HU Xiang-nan ZHANG Zhong CHEN关键词:TUNICAMYCIN THAPSIGARGIN EIF2Α 文献传递