作为综合风险管理的重要组成部分,灾害恢复力已为学术界、经济界与社会界所高度重视。通过对灾害恢复力文献的收集和回顾,运用系统分析方法,定量追踪了灾害恢复力研究的演变过程并深入挖掘其内在规律性。利用ISI Web of Science数据库,共选取样本文献482篇,对其进行了发展趋势、时段特征、作者属性、学科属性和研究类型等定量分析,并利用SPSS进行了对应性分析。分析发现,灾害恢复力研究从不同时期的单一研究正向目前的多类别、多学科交融发展。同时,对国内有关灾害恢复力研究的发展做了简要分析,发现中国有关灾害恢复力的研究尚有待加强,需要更多学者的关注和参与,以更好地应对我国灾害的防治和消减。
A questionnaire survey of residents’risk perceptions related to Taiwan nuclear power plant in China was carried out to explore the determining factors that affect individual risk perception.This study proposed to pursue a more comprehensive understanding of factors that affected individual risk perception to nuclear power plants.Covariance structure analysis was conducted using risk perceptions of nuclear power as dependent variable and including interest and knowledge levels of nuclear power,acceptability,benefit perception,trust in nuclear power operation,and trust in government as independent variables.The use of the hypothesis of Elaboration likelihood model(ELM)was also proposed.The results showed that persons with higher levels of interest and knowledge of nuclear power had their own perceptions of risk closely associated with acceptability and potential benefits of nuclear power.In contrast,persons with no interest in and knowledge of nuclear power would have risk perceptions related to their trust in nuclear operation and the government,which partially supported the ELM hypothesis.All these results indicated that the government in China plays an important role in rational risk perceptions,and well-designed communication of risks will help the public to be involved in risk management and improve people’s rational acceptance of risk.