为改善丝素蛋白膜的生物活性功能,通过冷冻干燥的方法制备了纳米TiO2/丝素蛋白多孔膜,并在人体模拟体液(simulated body fluid,SBF)中进行了体外降解试验。测试结果表明:纳米TiO2/丝素蛋白多孔膜具有较好的平均孔径和孔隙率,分别为22-53μm和86%-92%;降解20 d后,孔洞界限逐渐被破坏,复合多孔膜的失重率增大到35%以上;降解后多孔膜的结晶度有大于降解前的趋势;在多孔膜的内壁有羟基磷灰石的生成,具有很好的生物活性。据此认为,采用冷冻干燥法制备的纳米TiO2/丝素蛋白多孔膜,有望进一步开发成为软骨替代材料或创面涂敷材料。
Based on the sol-gel technique using butyl titanate as oxide precursor, the regenerated SF (silk fibroin)/nano-TiO2 composite films were synthesized. Different amounts of butyl titanate to SF were used to verify this effect on the characteristics of the formed materials. Samples were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffractometry, UV, AFM and FT-IR spectroscopy. The experimental results reveal that, compared to the pure silk fibroin films, the mechanical strength of these regenerated SF/nano-TiO2 composite films were increased and the dissolubility in water of SF/nano-TiO2 composite films in aqueous solution were decreased. The diameter of nano-TiO2 particle films was about 80nm through UV and AFM. The nano-TiO2 particles were well dispersed in the regenerated silk fibroin. It was found that the crystal structures of the composite films were transited from typical Silk I to typical Silk H by the XRD and FTIR. Furthermore, the crystallinity of the composite films was obviously improved. Through the TGA, it was demonstrated that the heat transition temperature of composite films was also enhanced.