Similar to the visual dual-pathway model, neurophysiological studies in non-human primates have suggested that the dual-pathway model is also applicable for explaining auditory cortical processing, including the ventral "what" pathway for object identification and the dorsal "where" pathway for spatial localization. This review summarizes evidence from human neuroimaging studies supporting the dual-pathway model for auditory cortical processing in humans.
动物的恐惧体验是一种防御性情绪过程,具有重要的适应意义。然而,缺乏对恐惧情绪的有效抑制机制会导致恐惧情绪过度表达以及焦虑障碍的发生。恐惧消退是最简单的一种恐惧抑制(fear inhibition)范式。而γ-氨基丁酸(gamma-aminobutyric acid,GABA)是中枢神经系统最主要的抑制性神经介质。杏仁核内部大量GABA介质突触传递在恐惧情绪表达、恐惧消退记忆(memory of fear extinction)的获得、存贮和提取过程中发挥了不可或缺的作用。