利用电子束辐照接枝的方法将丙烯酸(Acrylic acid,AA)单体接枝到涤纶织物上来改善其亲水性。通过改变吸收剂量、接枝单体浓度、阻聚剂浓度、预辐照的吸收剂量以及前处理氢氧化钠浓度等影响因素来获得具有不同接枝率的改性涤纶织物。优化的反应条件:吸收剂量为195 k Gy、AA浓度为50%、阻聚剂(Fe SO4?7H2O)浓度为0.8%、预辐照的吸收剂量为43 k Gy、前处理Na OH浓度为15 g/L。傅里叶红外光谱证明AA已接枝成功;扫描电子显微镜分析表明改性涤纶织物的表面具有覆盖物,且随着接枝率的增大,其覆盖物明显增多;回潮率测试结果表明,改性涤纶的回潮率随接枝率的增加而逐渐增大,当接枝率达到最大值27.84%时,改性涤纶的回潮率可达3.51%。涤纶织物经30次洗涤后减重率仅1%左右,说明接枝牢度优异。
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) of rod-like shape were prepared from degreased cotton using sulfuric acid hydrolysis. The obtained CNC suspension was neutralized using a sodium hydroxide solution to remove the residual sulfuric acid and improve the thermal stability of the CNC particles. Then, poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) was employed to modify the nanocrystals through entanglement and physical adsorption. The goal was to further improve the thermal stability and weaken the hydrophilicity of CNCs. Original and modifed CNCs were dosed into a polylactic acid (PLA) matrix to prepare nanocomposites using a hot compression process. Results of the thermogravimetric analysis showed that the initial thermal decomposition temperature of the modifed CNCs showed a 120℃ improvement compared to the original CNCs. That is, the thermal stability of the modified CNCs improved because of their shielding and wrapping by a PEO layer on their surface. Results from scanning electron microscopy and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry showed that the compatibility of the modifed CNCs with organic PLA improved, which was attributed to the compatibility of the PEO chains adsorbed on the surface of the CNCs. Finally, the results of tensile tests indicated a significant improvement in terms of breaking strength and elongation at the break point.