Based on the meteorological data from 33 stations of Three Gorges Reservoir from 1960 to 2008,climate yield of rice,corn and winter wheat and the changes of climatic potential productivity after water storage in Three Gorges Reservoir were calculated by the dynamic statistic model of crop growth.The results showed that the temperature in Three Gorges Reservoir was fluctuant decreased before late 1980s,and warmed rapidly after the late 1980s.The precipitation had little change before the late 1990s and had a slight decrease after the late 1990s.Sunshine hours were more in 1960s and 1970s,and then it changed little after 1980s.After water storage,the temperature increased in Three Gorges Reservoir as a whole.The precipitation decreased in the south of Three Gorges Reservoir,while it increased in the northwest of Three Gorges Reservoir.The sunshine hours were reduced except that in the vicinity of Dianjiang.After water storage,climatic potential productivity of rice decreased in the northwest and the northeast,while it increased in the south of Three Gorges Reservoir.The climatic potential productivity of corn decreased in the northeast and the southwest,but increased in the rest of Three Gorges Reservoir.The climatic potential productivity of winter wheat increased almost in total.
利用NCEP逐6 h 1°×1°的grib再分析资料和常规气象观测等资料,对2010年6月19—20日江西地区特大暴雨天气过程的物理量演变及高低空急流配置进行了分析。结果表明,此次特大暴雨过程发生在副高与高空槽稳定维持的有利背景场环境下。暴雨落区上空强烈的垂直上升运动,持续的西南水汽输送和高低空急流配置,共同造成了此次大范围暴雨的发生和维持。在高空急流入口区右后侧、低空急流的前方造成正涡度辐合上升运动,暴雨出现在低空急流的左前方。气流的高层辐散与低层辐合的叠加,形成强烈的上升运动,为这次暴雨天气的产生提供了有利的环境条件,也是对流维持、持续的重要机制。湿位涡低层为负、高层为正,高、低值中心和密集带的演变显示了强对流系统暖湿气流与外界干冷空气的相互作用。
强对流降水是天津地区重要的灾害性天气,为了研究该类天气发生发展的动力学、热力学机制,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和FY-2C卫星逐时TBB资料对2008年6月25日天津的强对流降水过程进行研究,然后利用WRF(weather research and forecasting)中尺度数值模式对该次强对流降水过程进行数值模拟和诊断分析。结果表明:中尺度露点锋是该次强对流降水的重要机制,其对应的低层气流辐合所形成的强烈上升运动及相对应的强烈发展的对流云团,是此次天津强对流降水的直接影响系统;对流有效位能等参数的变化非常好地反映出此次强降水天气的发生和发展特征;较大的相对螺旋度与此次强对流天气的发生对应也较好。由此认为,中尺度露点锋锋生的动力学、热力学过程是此次强对流降水天气发生发展的重要机制。