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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
东亚北方冬春季常会出现寒潮冷锋天气,冷锋过后有明显的下沉气流,且伴随强阵风.观测数据分析表明,阵风结构具有相干性,是春季沙尘暴能够被输送到边界层上部,从而远距离传输的重要条件.格子玻尔兹曼方法(lattice Boltzmann method,LBM)是一种基于Boltzmann分子输运方程的数值流体计算技术,自从出现以来,由于其在微观水平描述运动的特点,一直被用来研究湍流等复杂运动,本文在格子玻尔兹曼方法中引入大涡模式,使其能够应用到大气边界层湍流场,模拟阵风的产生及发展,得到了具有波动和涡旋相结合的相干结构,从而解释了阵风相干结构起沙扬尘的机理.
对2007—2010年6—9月发生在江淮流域的19个无层状云(NS型)线状对流系统个例进行环流背景和地面形势分析。根据个例发生环境的整层可降水量分为干环境(<50 mm)和湿环境(≥50 mm)。干环境下(5例)的天气形势可以分为槽后型和高压后部型两种,湿环境下(14例)的天气形势可分为槽前型、高压后部型和槽后型三种。干环境下以槽后型为主,对流系统多发生在干暖区,湿度较小,发展剧烈,易发生大风、冰雹天气;湿环境下槽前型的发生概率最高,地面系统较复杂,有静止锋、倒槽、冷锋和暖锋,最不稳定层相对较高,水汽充足,有利于强降水发生。研究表明,干、湿环境下NS型线状对流系统的触发和维持机制可能存在明显差异,需今后进一步深入研究。
On the Significance and Use of the Generalized Moist Potential Vorticity Equation
In this paper,the continuity and thermodynamic equations including moisture forcings were derived.Using these two equations and the basic momentum equation of local Cartesian coordinates,the budget equation of generalized moist potential vorticity(GMPV) was derived.The GMPV equation is a good generalization of the Ertel potential vorticity(PV) and moist potential vorticity(MPV) equations.The GMPV equation is conserved under adiabatic,frictionless,barotropic,or saturated atmospheric conditions,and it is closely associated with the horizontal frontogenesis and stability of the real atmosphere.A real case study indicates that term diabatic heating could be a useful diagnostic tool for heavy rainfall events.
FU Shen-MingSUN Jian-Hua
利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析资料和WRF模式,模拟了2010年1月2~3日我国华北地区的一次由涡旋造成的冬季降雪过程,并采用位涡和涡度方程对引发暴雪的涡旋发展机制进行了诊断分析。结果表明,这次降雪过程中,对流层中层高空浅槽东移、加深及发展,并引导低空和地面系统自西向东移动,高空位涡的下传强迫加强了对流层中低层涡旋的发展。平均通量和涡旋区域的辐合、辐散作用对涡旋涡度的增长贡献最大,扰动通量和类倾斜项的作用较小。在中层涡旋成熟期,环境场的风速小于中层涡旋的移动速度时,环境场相对于涡旋区域为辐散,涡旋涡度减小;当环境场风速大于涡旋的移动速度时,环境场相对于涡旋区域为辐合,涡旋涡度增加。在涡旋衰减期,向涡旋外输送的绝对涡度通量使得涡旋涡度逐渐减弱。这次过程中,高空位涡强迫、低空辐合和涡旋边界平均气流对扰动涡度的输送是涡旋发展的主要机制。
Measurement errors and correction of the UAT-2 ultrasonic anemometer被引量:1
Two kinds of measurement errors have been observed in the recently developed UAT-2 ultrasonic anemometer.One is the flow distortion produced by a"blocking effect",and the other is the angle of attack caused by the vertical misalignment of the instrument.Here,we study these errors and discuss the possible correction methods.Via a wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation,a 3D calibration matrix was developed to correct the"blocking effect".In the field test,the angle of attack was detected by an inclinometer settled on the reference plane of the anemometer,and the instrumental misalignment or tilt was corrected by a coordinate transformation.The combined use of an inclinometer and the proposed correction method may help find a new approach for vertical velocity correction.
CHENG Xue LingPENG ZhenHU FeiZENG Qing CunLUO Wei DongZHAO Yi JunHONG Zhong Xiang
Stochastic modeling the effect of wind gust on dust entrainment during sand storm被引量:10
After the passage of a cold front,spring in northern China the outbreak of strong wind is often accompanied by dust emissions.Owing to the coherent structure of wind gust,dust particles can effectively overcome the systematic descending air motion and penetrate into the middle and upper levels of the atmospheric boundary layer,and then propagate further and diffuse into the troposphere where ascending air motion prevails.Here,we consider the coherent structure of wind gust in LS models,and construct a model suitable for the dust entrainment under the dust-storm canopy.With the parameter of gust,we simulate the dust entrainment during dust storms,and test that the coherent structures of wind gust make the sand particles to reach the upper of the boundary layer.
Modeling of Arctic Sea Ice Variability During 1948–2009: Validation of Two Versions of the Los Alamos Sea Ice Model(CICE)被引量:7
The Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE) is used to simulate the Arctic sea ice variability from 1948 to 2009. Two versions of CICE are validated through comparison with Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature(Had ISST) observations. Version 5.0 of CICE with elastic-viscous-plastic(EVP) dynamics simulates a September Arctic sea ice concentration(SASIC) trend of –0.619 × 1012 m2 per decade from 1969 to 2009, which is very close to the observed trend(-0.585 × 1012 m2 per decade). Version 4.0 of CICE with EVP dynamics underestimates the SASIC trend(-0.470 × 1012 m2 per decade). Version 5.0 has a higher correlation(0.742) with observation than version 4.0(0.653). Both versions of CICE simulate the seasonal cycle of the Arctic sea ice, but version 5.0 outperforms version 4.0 in both phase and amplitude. The timing of the minimum and maximum sea ice coverage occurs a little earlier(phase advancing) in both versions. Simulations also show that the September Arctic sea ice volume(SASIV) has a faster decreasing trend than SASIC.
WU Shu-QiangZENG Qing-CunBI Xun-Qiang
Bias Correction in Wind Direction Forecasting Using the Circular-Circular Regression Method
Wind direction forecasting plays an important role in wind power prediction and air pollution management. Weather quantities such as temperature, precipitation, and wind speed are linear variables in which traditional model output statistics and bias correction methods are applied. However, wind direction is an angular variable; therefore, such traditional methods are ineffective for its evaluation. This paper proposes an effective bias correction technique for wind direction forecasting of turbine height from numerical weather prediction models, which is based on a circular-circular regression approach. The technique is applied to a 24-h forecast of 65-m wind directions observed at Yangmeishan wind farm, Yunnan Province, China, which consistently yields improvements in forecast performance parameters such as smaller absolute mean error and stronger similarity in wind rose diagram pattern.
XU Jing-JingHU FeiXIAO Zi-NiuCHENG Xue-LingXU Jing-Jing
Gustiness and coherent structure under weak wind period in atmospheric boundary layer被引量:2
Statistical analysis of turbulent and gusty characteristics in the atmospheric boundary layer under weak wind period has been carried out.The data used in the analysis were from the multilevel ultrasonic anemometer-thermometers at 47 m,120 m,and 280 m levels on Beijing 325 m meteorological tower.The time series of 3D atmospheric velocity were analyzed by using conventional Fourier spectral analysis and decompose into three parts:basic mean flow(period > 10 min),gusty disturbances(1 min < period < 10 min)and turbulence fluctuations(period < 1 min).The results show that under weak mean wind condition:1)the gusty disturbances are the most strong fluctuations,contribute about 60% kinetic energy of eddy kinetic energy and 80% downward flux of momentum,although both the eddy kinetic energy and momentum transport are small in comparison with those in strong mean wind condition;2)the gusty wind disturbances are anisotropic;3)the gusty wind disturbances have obviously coherent structure,and their horizontal and vertical component are negatively correlated and make downward transport of momentum more effectively;4)the friction velocities related to turbulence and gusty wind are approximately constant with height in the surface layer.
Li Qi-LongCheng Xue-LingZeng Qing-Cun