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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Function of note strings in Japanese Tit alarm calls to the Common Cuckoo:a playback experiment被引量:10
Background: Birds produce alarm calls to convey information about threats. Some Passerine alarm calls consist of several note strings, but few studies have examined their function. Previous studies have shown that Japanese Tits(Parus minor) can alter the calling rate and number and combination of notes in response to predators. We previously found the combinations of note types in Japanese Tit alarm calls to be significantly different in response to the Sparrowhawk(Accipiter nisus) and Common Cuckoo(Cuculus canorus).Methods: Through playback experiments, we tested whether the note strings in Japanese Tit alarm calls to the Common Cuckoo have different functions in conveying information. The note strings of selected alarm calls were divided into the categories of C and D, and different calls were then constructed separately based on the two note string categories. Original alarm calls(C–D), C calls and D calls were played back to male Japanese Tits during the incubation period.Results: Male Japanese Tits had a significantly stronger response to C calls than to C–D calls, and they showed a significantly stronger response to both C and C–D calls than to D calls, suggesting that Japanese Tits discriminated between the C and D calls.Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that the C-and D-category note strings of Japanese Tit alarm calls to the Common Cuckoo have different functions, which supports the previous finding that different note strings in an alarm call can provide different information to receivers. However, the exact meanings of these note strings are not yet known, and further investigation is therefore required.
Jiangping YuWeiwei LvHongwei XuNehafta BibiYangyang YuYunlei JiangWei LiangHaitao Wang
Old nest material functions as an informative cue in making nest-site selection decisions in the European Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus)被引量:1
Background:For secondary cavity-nesting bird species that do not add lining materials to nests,the presence of old nest material or organic remains that have accumulated within nest cavities from previous breeding events may be a cue of nest-site quality.These materials potentially contain information about past breeding success in con-and heterospecifics and may improve the thermal insulation of eggs during incubation.However,few studies have addressed whether the presence of old nest materials serves as a cue for cavity-nesting raptors when choosing specific nest sites.Methods:We conducted a 9-year nest box experiment to test whether old nest materials from con-and heterospecifics serve as informative cues to the European Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus)when making nest selection decisions,as this species uses nest boxes without adding nesting material.Results:The presence of old nest materials and entrance size best discriminated nest boxes occupied by European Kestrels from unoccupied boxes.Nest boxes containing conspecific organic remains,artificial dry leaf and branch material,and material left behind by Great Tits(Parus major)were reused at higher rates,especially those containing conspecific nest material,than nest boxes containing true or simulated nest materials from predators.In 2010,no single nest box was occupied by the same banded individual that occupied the box in the previous year(10 females and 2 males were banded in 2009).Conclusions:European Kestrels preferred nest boxes containing old nest material over empty boxes,which is consistent with previous findings that they exploit con-and heterospecific cues when deciding where to settle and breed,as old nest or organic material provides substrate for incubating females.Kestrels may be able to assess the predation risks associated with a specific nest site based on experience or the presence of prey remains.The repeated use of nest boxes across breeding seasons by kestrels cannot be entirely ascribed to philopatry.This study provides evidence that old ne
Mingju ETuo WangShangyu WangYe GongJiangping YuLin WangWei OuHaitao Wang
鸟害闪络是引起高压输电线路跳闸的主要原因之一.采用实地抽样调查的方法,对吉林省9个地区1 518基220kV高压杆塔上防鸟害设施的种类、损毁状况、防鸟效果和存在的问题进行了研究.结果表明:吉林省目前主要应用障碍性防鸟设施防止鸟类在输电杆塔上栖落和筑巢,以风力驱鸟器、鸟刺、滚动针式驱鸟器和防鸟罩为主;调查杆塔安装比例为53.6%,各地区存在差异;平均每基杆塔安装的防鸟设施数量为4.8个;不同类型防鸟设施损毁率不同,平均损毁率约为18.0%,其中带鸟刺风力驱鸟器和普通风力驱鸟器损坏率较高,分别为27.5%和27.3%.安装防鸟设施未能完全阻止鸟类在输电杆塔筑巢,但可在一定程度上改变鸟类在输电杆塔上的筑巢位置进而减少鸟害闪络的发生几率.