Riboflavin (vitamin B2) participates in a variety of redox processes that affect plant defense responses. Previously we have shown that riboflavin induces pathogen resistance in the absence of hypersensitive cell death (HCD) in plants. Herein, we report that riboflavin induces priming of defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana toward infection by virulent Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst). Induced resistance was mechanistically connected with the expression of defense response genes and cellular defense events, including H202 burst, HCD, and callose deposition in the plant. Riboflavin treatment and inoculation of plants with Pst were neither active but both synergized to induce defense responses. The priming process needed NPRI (essential regulator of systemic acquired resistance) and maintenance of H202 burst but was independent of salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, ethylene, and abscisic acid. Our results suggest that the role of riboflavin in priming defenses is subject to a signaling process distinct from the known pathways of hormone signal transduction.
Shujian Zhang Xue Yang Maowu Sun Feng Sun Sheng Deng Hansong Dong
用烟草花叶病毒弱毒株系N14预先接种,可以诱导烟草对病原真菌赤星病菌的系统获得性抗性(SAR),减轻病菌引起的赤星病。选择表现诱导抗性最强植株材料进行组织培养与植株再生,通过体细胞无性系变异增强和巩固SAR性状,获得SAR组成性表达的突变体(constitutive expresser of SAR)ces2-1。除了抗病表型,ces2-1还组成性表达多种防卫反应基因。回交实验与遗传分析表明,ces2-1是在野生型位点上的单基因显性突变。对ces2-1与野生型进行mRNA差异显示分析,得到一个ces2-1独有、在野生型中缺少的转录本,与前人报道的烟草受过氧化氢诱导的一个基因片段同源。用cDNA末端快速扩增技术克隆了这个转录本的全长序列,根据生物信息学分析与功能的初步测定,把这个基因命名为烟草受过氧化氢诱导的抗病相关基因(hydrogen peroxide-induced1,NtHPI1)。