In industrial environment,heat sources often are contaminant sources and health threatening contaminants are mainly passive,so a detailed understanding of airflow mode can assist in work environment hygiene measurement and prevention.This paper presented a numerical investigation of stratified airflow scenario in a high-space industrial hall with validated commercial code and experimentally acquired boundary conditions.Based upon an actually undergoing engineering project,this study investigated the performance of the buoyancy-driven displacement ventilation in a large welding hall with big components manufactured.The results have demonstrated that stratified airflow sustained by thermal buoyancy provides zoning effect in terms of clean and polluted regions except minor stagnant eddy areas.The competition between negative buoyant jets from displacement radial diffusers and positive buoyant plume from bulk object constitutes the complex transport characteristics under and above stratification interface.Entrainment,downdraft and turbulent eddy motion complicate the upper mixing zone,but the exhaust outlet plays a less important role in the whole field flow.And the corresponding suggestions concerning computational stability and convergence,further improvements in modelling and measurements were given.
WANG Han-qing1,2,CHEN Ke1,HU Jian-jun1,3,KOU Guang-xiao2,WANG Zhi-yong2(1.School of Energy Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha,Hunan 410083,China