针对分布式k团社区检测引起的超大社区问题,提出了具有节点退出机制的τ-window社区检测方法,相应提出了τ-、window中心性估计。通过实验发现τ-window社区和τ-window中心性具有周期演化特性,利用该特性,提出TTL(time to live)社区检测和TTL中心性估计,以更准确预测消息生存期上节点的相遇。随后,利用TTL社区和TTL中心性作为转发测度,设计了新的机会移动网络路由算法PerEvo。实验结果表明,与现有的基于社会特征的路由算法比较,PerEvo在保持基本不变的传输开销的同时,有效提高了机会移动网络消息投递的成功率。
In order to save the energy and reduce the latency of the end-to-end transmission in mobile ad hoc networks an adaptive and distance-driven power control ADPC scheme is proposed by means of distance research in random geometrics. Through mathematical proof the optimal number of relay nodes and the optimal location of each node for data transmission can be obtained when a distance is given.In the ADPC first the source node computes the optimal number and the sites of the relay nodes between the source and the destination nodes.Then it searches feasible relay nodes around the optimal virtual relay-sites and selects one link with the minimal total transmission energy consumption for data transmission.Simulation results show that the ADPC can reduce both the energy dissipation and the end-to-end latency of the transmission.