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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
In-plane optical spectral weight redistribution in the optimally doped Ba_(0.6)K_(0.4)Fe_2As_2 superconductor被引量:1
We performed detailed temperature-dependent optical measurements on optimally doped Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 single crystal, We examine the changes of the in-plane optical conductivity spectral weight in the normal state and the evolution of the superconducting condensate in the superconducting state. In the normal state, the low-frequency spectral weight shows a metallic response with an arctan (T) dependence, indicating a T-linear scattering rate behavior for the carriers. A high energy spectral weight transfer associated with the Hund's coupling occurs from the low frequencies below 4000 cm^-1 5000 cm^-1 to higher frequencies up to at least 104 cm^-1. Its temperature dependence analysis suggests that the Hund's coupling strength is continuously enhanced as the temperature is reduced. In the superconducting state, the FGT sum rule is conserved according to the spectral weight estimation within the conduction bands, only about 40% of the conduction bands participates in the superconducting condensate indicating that Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 is in dirty limit.
许兵戴耀民肖宏R. P. S. M. Lobo邱祥冈
Magnetoresistivity and filamentary superconductivity in nickel-doped BaFe_2As_2
We present magnetotransport studies on a series of BaFe2_xNixAs2 (0.03 〈 x 〈 0.10) single crystals. In the un- derdoped (x = 0.03) non-superconducting sample, the temperature-dependent resistivity exhibits a peak at 22 K, which is associated with the onset of filamentary superconductivity (FLSC). FLSC is suppressed by an external magnetic field in a manner similar to the suppression of bulk superconductivity in an optimally-doped (x = 0.10) compound, suggesting the same possible origin as the bulk superconductivity. Our magnetoresistivity measurements reveal that FLSC persists up to the optimal doping and disappears in the overdoped regime where the long-range antiferromagnetic order is completely suppressed, pointing to a close relation between FLSC and the magnetic order.
Effects of temperature and magnetic field direction on the electron-hole compensation in WTe_2
Dear Editors, Tungsten ditelluride (WTe2) is a layered transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD). The tungsten layers are clipped by adjacent chalcogenide layers. The sandwich structure stacks along the c-axis with Van Der Waals bonding between layers. Particularly, tungsten chains are formed along the a-axis within the dichalcogenide layers.
Yan LiYaBin ZhuYouGuo ShiXiangGang Qiu
Interstitial vortex in superconducting film with periodic hole arrays
The response of superconducting Nb films with a diluted triangular and square array of holes to a perpendicular magnetic field are investigated.Due to small edge-to-edge separation of the holes,the patterned films are similar to multi-connected superconducting islands.Two regions in the magnetoresistance R(H) curves can be identified according to the field intervals of the resistance minima.Moreover,in between these two regions,variation of the minima spacing was observed.Our results provide strong evidence of the coexistence of interstitial vortices in the islands and fluxoids in the holes.
Interstitial vortex in superconducting film with periodic hole arrays
The response of superconducting Nb films with a diluted triangular and square array of holes to a perpendicular magnetic field are investigated. Due to small edge-to-edge separation of the holes, the patterned films are similar to multi-connected superconducting islands. Two regions in the magnetoresistance R(H) curves can be identified according to the field intervals of the resistance minima. Moreover, in between these two regions, variation of the minima spacing was observed. Our results provide strong evidence of the coexistence of interstitial vortices in the islands and fluxoids in the holes.
Optical conductivity as a probe of a hidden Fermi-liquid behavior in BaFe_(1.904) Ni_(0.096) As_2
We measured the infrared reflectivity of BaFe1.904Ni0.096As2 single crystal from room temperature down to 20 K. Two Drude terms and a Lorentz term well describe the real part of the optical conductivity σ1 (ω). We fit the reciprocal of static optical conductivity 1/σ1(0) by the power law ρ (T)=ρo+ATn with n= 1.6. The "broad" Drude component exhibits an incoherent background with a T-independent scattering rate 1/τb, while the other "narrow" one reveals a T-quadratic scattering rate 1/τn, indicating a hidden Fermi-liquid behavior in BaFe1.904Nio.096As2 compound.
Optical study of charge dynamics in CaCo_2As_2
We present an infrared spectroscopy study of charge dynamics in CaCo_2As_2 single crystal. In this material, the optical conductivity can be described by two Drude components with different scattering rates(1/τ): a broad incoherent background and a narrow Drude component. By monitoring the temperature dependence, we find that only the narrow Drude component is temperature-dependent and determines the transport properties. Especially a Fermi liquid behavior of carriers is revealed by the T^2 behavior in the dc resistivity ρ_n and scattering rate 1/τ_n, indicating a coherent nature of quasiparticles in the narrow Drude subsystem.
界面超导新进展:外延于SrTiO3衬底上的单层FeSe薄膜的超导转变温度超过40 K
界面超导概念的起源可追溯至50多年前物理学家对二维超导的研究。1968年,首次在实验上观测到界面增强超导现象,即当Al与Cu或者Sn混杂形成超晶格时,其超导转变温度提高接近1 K[1]。在1986年和2008年发现的铜基[2]和铁基[3]两大类高温超导体系都具有层状三明治结构,形成库珀对的载流子来源于氧化物电荷库层的掺杂。不仅铜基和铁基两大类高温超导体系,还有MgB2[4]等,目前已发现的超导转变温度超过30 K的高温超导材料,都具有层状结构。由此,薛其坤产生了一个大胆的设想:高温超导是否源自于界面增强效应并且其机理就是基于电声子作用的BCS理论?