Antibacterial activity of boron-doped TiO2(B/TiO2) nano-materials under visible light irradiation and in the dark was investigated. A simple sol-gel method was used to synthesize TiO2 nano-materials. X-ray diffraction pattern of B/TiO2 nano-materials represents the diffraction peaks relating to the crystal planes of TiO2(anatase and rutile). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy result shows that part of boron ions incorporates into TiO2 lattice to form a possible chemical environment like Ti O B and the rest exist in the form of B2O3. The study on antibacterial effect of B/TiO2 nano-materials on fungal Candida albicans(ATCC10231), Gram-negative Escherichia coli(ATCC25922) and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC6538) shows that the antibacterial action is more significant on Candida albicans than on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Under visible light irradiation, the antibacterial activity is superior to that in the dark.
研究了红格钒钛磁铁矿(HCVTM)球团等温氧化动力学及其矿物学特征.在不同的温度(10731373 K)和不同的时间(1060 min)范围内,对HCVTM球团矿进行了等温氧化动力学实验.首先分析了球团在不同温度和时间下的微观结构和矿物组成规律.然后根据定义的氧化率,计算和分析了氧化率及其变化规律,以及矿相结构对氧化率的影响.最后结合缩核模型、修正的氧化率函数和阿伦尼乌斯公式,计算了反应速度常数、修正系数和反应活化能,并判断了反应限制性环节.研究表明:随温度的提高,低熔点液相增加,赤铁矿晶粒的生成、长大和再结晶,形成连续的黏结相,空隙数量减少.随时间的增加,生成的液相促进了赤铁矿晶粒间的黏结和长大,但是晶粒间硅酸盐相和钙钛矿类物相恶化了球团结构.同时,钙钛矿和铁板钛矿相生成.HCVTM球团矿空隙数量的减少和黏结相的生成,表现在氧化速率随时间增加而减慢.HCVTM球团氧化反应主要受扩散控制,球团氧化前期的反应活化能为13.74 k J·mol-1,氧化后期的活化能为3.58 k J·mol-1,氧化率函数的修正参数u2=0.03.
Interdiffusion in the Fe203-TiO2 system was investigated by the diffusion couple method in the temperature range of 1323 to 1473 K. The diffusion concentration curves of Ti4+ cations were obtained by electron probe microanalysis, according to which the Boltzmann-Matano method optimized by Broeder was used to calculate the interdiffusion coeffi- cients. The interdiffusion coefficients almost increased linearly with the mole fraction of Ti4+ cations increasing, and they were in the range of 10-12-10-11cm2-s-1. The increase of temperature could also lead to the increase of the interdiffusion coefficients at a constant concentration of Ti4+ cations. It was also found that the thickness growth of the diffusion layer obeyed the parabolic rate law.
使用田口法探索了影响钒钛磁铁矿热压块抗压强度的重要因子,并通过信噪比分析计算各因子对抗压强度的贡献率,最终给出钒钛磁铁矿热压块的最佳制备条件.实验结果表明,在热压温度、配碳比、煤粉粒度三个影响因素中,煤粉粒度对抗压强度的影响程度最大,其贡献率达到了79.99%,温度和配碳比二者的贡献率分别为15%和3.63%.优化后钒钛磁铁矿热压块的制备参数为热压温度300℃、煤粉粒度<75μm、配碳比1.8.在优化后的参数下进行验证实验,得到的钒钛矿热压块的平均抗压强度达到1 152.1 N.
The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue(MB) over Fe-doped CaTiO3 under UV-visible light was investigated. The as-prepared samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS) system, Fourier transform infrared spectra(FT-IR), and UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy(DRS). The results show that the doping with Fe significantly promoted the light absorption ability of CaTiO3 in the visible light region. The Fe-doped CaTiO3 exhibited higher photocatalytic activity than CaTiO3 for the degradation of MB.However, the photocatalytic activity of the Fe-doped CaTiO3 was greatly influenced by the calcination temperature during the preparation process. The Fe-doped CaTiO3 prepared at500°C exhibited the best photocatalytic activity, with degradation of almost 100% MB(10 ppm)under UV-visible light for 180 min.