In this paper, the synchronous concurrent dual-band RF signal is used to drive the RF Power Amplifier (PA). The nonlinear characterization of a concurrent dual-band RF PA is discussed while two band signals in the dual-band are modulated by CDMA2000 and WCDMA signals. When the two band signals in the dual-band of the PA are modulated with the same signals, it is found that the nonlinearity of the PA can be expressed by any of the two corresponding baseband data. On the other hand, when the two band signals in the dual-band of the PA are modulated with two different signals, the PA nonlinearity cannot be characterized by any of the two corresponding baseband data. In this case, its nonlinearity has to be denoted by a composite signals consisting of the two baseband signals. Consequently, the requirements for the speed of the A/D converter can be largely reduced. The experimental results with CDMA2000 and WCDMA signals demonstrate the speed of the A/D converter required is only 30 M Sample Per Second (SaPS), but it will be at least 70 M SaPS for the conventional method.