A accelerated arithmetic algorithm of the dynamic computing regions was designed,and 3-dimensional numerical simulation of isothermal solidification for a binary alloy was implemented.The dendritic growth and the recalescence of Ni-Cu binary alloy during the solidification at different cooling rates were investigated.The effects of cooling rate on dendritic patterns and microsegregation patterns were studied.The computed results indicate that,with the increment of the cooling rate,the dendritic growth velocity increases,both the main branch and side-branches become slender,the secondary dendrite arm spacing becomes smaller,the inadequate solute diffusion in solid aggravates,and the severity of microsegregation ahead of interface aggravates.At a higher cooling rate,the binary alloy presents recalescence;while the cooling rate is small,no recalescence occurs.
The random distribution problem of dendrite preferred growth direction was settled by random grid method.This method was used to study the influence of forced laminar flow effect on multiple grains during solidification.Taking high pure succinonitrile (SCN) undercooled melt as an example,the forced laminar flow effect on multiple grains was studied by phase-field model of single grain which coupled with flow equations at non-isothermal condition.The simulation results show that the random grid method can reasonably settle the problem of random distribution and is more effective.When the solid fraction is relatively low,melt particles flow around the downstream side of dendrite,and the flow velocity between two dendrite arms becomes high.At the stage of solidification time less than 1800Δt,every dendrite grows freely;the upstream dendrites are stronger than the downstream ones.The higher the melt flow rate,the higher the solid fraction.However,when the solid fraction is relatively high,the dendrite arm intertwins and only a little residual melt which is not encapsulated can flow;the solid fraction will gradually tend to equal to solid fraction of melt without flow.
The influence of supercooled melt forced lamina flow on microsegregation was investigated. The concentration distribution at solid-liquid boundary of binary alloy Ni-Cu was simulated using phase field model coupled with flow field. The microsegregation, concentration maximum value, boundary thickness of concentration near upstream dendrite and normal to flow dendrite, and downstream dendrite were studied quantitatively in the case of forced lamia flow. The simulation results show that solute field and flow field interact complexly. Compared with melt without flow, in front of upstream dendrite tip, the concentration boundary thickness is the lowest and the concentration maximum value is the smallest for melt with flow. However, in front of downstream dendrite tip, the results are just the opposite. The zone of poor Cu in upstream dendrite where is the most severely microsegregation and shrinkage cavity is wider and the concentration is lower for melt with flow than that without flow.
The effect of supercooled melt forced laminar flow at low Reynolds Number on dendritic growth perpendicular to melt flow direction was investigated with the phase-field method by incorporating melt convection and thermal noise under non-isothermal condition. By taking the dendritic growth of high pure succinonitrile (SCN) supercooled melt as an example, side-branching shape difference of melts with flow and without flow was analyzed. Relationships among supercooled melt inflow velocity, deflexion angle of dendritic arm and dendritic tip growth velocity were studied. Results show that the melt inflow velocity has few effects on the dendritic tip growth velocity. A formula of relationship between the velocity of the melt in front of primary dendritic tip and the dendritic growth time was deduced, and the calculated result was in quantitative agreement with the simulation result.