This paper numerically and analytically studies the onset of instability of a flag in uniform flow. The three-dimensional (3D) simulation is performed by using an immersed-boundary method coupled with a nonlinear finite element method. The global stability, bistability and instability are identified in the 3D simulations. The Squire's theorem is extended to analyze the stability of the fluid-flag system with 3D initial perturbations. It is found that if a parallel flow around the flag admits an unstable 3D disturbance for a certain value of the flutter speed, then a two-dimensional (2D) disturbance at a lower flutter speed is also adnfitted. In addition, the growth rate of 2D disturbance is larger than that of the 3D disturbance.
Experiments of a flexible filament in the wake of a cylinder and in free stream were conducted in a vertical soap film tunnel. The experiments distinctly visualized the movement of the filament. Based on the experimental kinematic results, a 2-d panel method was used to calculate the forces acting on the filament. The experiment and numerical results revealed that different from that in free stream, the filament in Karman vortex street flapped at the same frequency as the vortex street, and with smaller amplitude and larger curvature. The filament suffered an evident thrust in Karman vortex street, while a drag appeared in the case of free stream. The dependence of the drag coefficient on the phase relation between the movement of the filament and the Karman vortex street was also studied.