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作品数:3 被引量:16H指数:2


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 1篇化学工程
  • 1篇电气工程
  • 1篇一般工业技术
  • 1篇理学


  • 1篇电容
  • 1篇电容器
  • 1篇电容特性
  • 1篇蒸气
  • 1篇石墨
  • 1篇石墨烯
  • 1篇水合
  • 1篇水合肼
  • 1篇自组装
  • 1篇ORIENT...
  • 1篇PO4
  • 1篇PORE
  • 1篇PROSPE...
  • 1篇TEMPLA...
  • 1篇V2
  • 1篇BATTER...
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  • 1篇大连理工大学
  • 1篇中国科学院


  • 1篇阎景旺
  • 1篇王春雷
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  • 1篇姜磊


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  • 1篇高等学校化学...


  • 1篇2018
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  • 1篇2014
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
利用未经任何分散处理的氧化石墨溶胶在气-液界面自组装得到氧化石墨纸(=10 cm),将氧化石墨纸在不同温度下用水合肼蒸气还原制得石墨烯纸.采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、Raman光谱、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)及氮吸附对还原前后样品的微观结构、表面特性、元素组成及比表面积进行了表征,在此基础上考察了还原处理及还原温度对材料电容特性的影响.结果表明,在150℃下还原氧化石墨纸得到的石墨烯纸具有较好的电化学电容特性,其在1000 mA/g恒定充放电电流密度下,6 mol/L KOH电解质溶液中的质量比电容达到142 F/g,1000次充放电循环后电容保持率为99.8%.
Effect of the pore length and orientation upon the electrochemical capacitive performance of ordered mesoporous carbons被引量:2
By utilizing hard template method to adjust the mesopore length, and alkali activation to generate micro pores, two hierarchical porous carbons (HPCs) were prepared. With controlling of their mesopore length and the activation conditions, the complex system composed by HPCs and electrolyte was simplified and the effect of mesopore length on the performance of HPCs as electrodes in supercapacitors was investigated. It is found that with the mesopore length getting smaller, the ordered area gets smaller and the aggregation occurs, which is caused by the high surface energy of small grains. HPC with long pores (HPCL) exhibits a donut-like morphology with well-defined ordered mesopores and a regular orientation while in HPC with short pores (HPCS), short mesopores are only orderly distributed in small regions. Longer ordered channels form unobstructed ways for ions transport in the particles while shorter channels, only orderly distributed in small areas, results in blocked paths, which may hinder the electrolyte ions transport. Due to the unobstructed structure, HPCL exhibits good rate capability with a capacitance retention rate over 86% as current density increasing from 50 mA/g to 1000 mA/g. The specific capacitance of HPCL derived from the cyclic voltammetry test at 10 mV/s is up to 201.72 F/g, while the specific capacitance of HPCS is only 193.65 F/g. (C) 2016 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.
Anran HuangJingwang YanHongzhang ZhangXianfeng LiHuamin Zhang
Progress and prospect for NASICON-type Na3V2(PO4)3 forelectrochemical energy storage被引量:9
Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have attracted increasing attention in the past decades, because of high over-all abundance of precursors, their even geographical distribution, and low cost. Na3V2(PO4)3 (NVP), atypical sodium super ion conductor (NASlCON)-based electrode material, exhibits pronounced structuralstability, exceptionally high ion conductivity, rendering it a most promising electrode for sodium storage.However. the comparatively low electronic conductivity makes the theoretical capacity of NVP cannot befully accessible even at comparatively low rates, presenting a major drawback for further practical ap-plications, especially when high rate capability is especially important. Thus, many endeavors have beenconformed to increase the surface and intrinsic electrical conductivity of NVP by coating the active mate-rials with a conductive carbon layer, downsizing the NVP particles, combining the NVP particle with vari-ous carbon materials and ion doping strategy. In this review, to get a better understanding on the sodiumstorage in NVP, we firstly present 4 distinct crystal structures in the temperature range of-30℃-225℃ namely α-NVP, β-NVP, β′-NVP and γ-NVP. Moreover, we give an overview of recent approaches to en-hance the surface electrical conductivity and intrinsic electrical conductivity of NVP. Finally, some poten-tial applications of NVP such as in all-climate environment and PHEV, EV fields have been prospected.
Qiong ZhengHongming YiXianfeng LiHuamin Zhang