We study the effect of gluon number fluctuations (Pomeron loops) on the proton structure function at HERA. It is shown that the description of charm and bottom quarks and longitudinal structure functions are improved, with x^2/d.o.f=0.803 (fluctuations) as compared with x^2/d.o.f=0.908 (without fluctuations), once the gluon number fluctuations are included. We find that in the gluon number fluctuation case the heavy quarks do not play an important role in the proton structure function as the saturation model. The successful description of the HERA data indicates that the gluon number fluctuation could be one of the key mechanisms to describe the proton structure function at HERA energies.
ALICE,A Large Ion Collider Experiment,is dedicated to study the QCD matter at extreme high temperature and density to understand the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) and phase transition.High-transversemomentum photons and neutral mesons from the initial hard scattering of partons can be measured with ALICE calorimeters,PHOS (PHOton Spectrometer) and EMCAL (ElectroMagnetic CALorimeter).Combing the additional central tracking detectors,the γ-jet and π 0-jet measurements thus can be accessed.These measurements offer us a sensitive tomography probe of the hot-dense medium generated in the heavy ion collisions.In this paper,high p T and photon physics is discussed and the ALICE calorimeters capabilities of high-transverse-momentum neutral mesons and γ-jet measurements are presented.
We study the medium modified fragmentation function in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. We show that the ACSX and QW formalisms are equivalent to each other in the high-Q2 limit in both theoretical and numerical aspects.
We present the performance of the ALICE muon spectrometer for measuring the charm and beauty inclusive p t differential production cross sections via single muons and unlike-sign dimuons in proton-proton collisions at√ s = 14 TeV.
γ+jet events provide a tomographic measurement of the medium formed in heavy ion collisions at LHC energies.Tagging events with a well identified high p T direct photon and measuring the correlation distribution of hadrons emitted oppositely to the photon in ALICE,allows us to determine,with a good approximation,both the jet fragmentation function and the back-to-back azimuthal alignment of the direct photon and the jet.Comparing these two observables measured in pp collisions with the ones measured in AA collisions will reveal the modifications of the jet structure induced by the medium formed in AA collisions and consequently will infer the medium properties.
The analytic expression of proton in deep inelastic scattering is studied by using the color glass condensate model and the dipole picture. We get a better description of the HERA DIS data than the GBW model which was inspired by the Glauber model. We find that our model satisfies the unitarity limit and Froissart Bound which refers to an energy dependence of the total cross-section rising no more rapidly than ln^2 s.