An approximate homotopy symmetry method for nonlinear problems is proposed and applied to the sixth-order Boussinesq equation,which arises from fluid dynamics.We summarize the general formulas for similarity reduction solutions and similarity reduction equations of different orders,educing the related homotopy series solutions.Zero-order similarity reduction equations are equivalent to the Painlevé IV type equation or Weierstrass elliptic equation.Higher order similarity solutions can be obtained by solving linear variable coefficients ordinary differential equations.The auxiliary parameter has an effect on the convergence of homotopy series solutions.Series solutions and similarity reduction equations from the approximate symmetry method can be retrieved from the approximate homotopy symmetry method.
JIAO XiaoYu1,GAO Yuan1 & LOU SenYue1,2,3 1 Department of Physics,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China
Through analysing the exact solution of some nonlinear models, the role of the variable separating method in solving nonlinear equations is discussed. We find that rich solution structures of some special fields of these equations come from the nonzero seed solution. However, these nonzero seed solutions is likely to result in the divergent phenomena for the other field component of the same equation. The convergence and the signification of all field components should be discussed when someone solves the nonlinear equation using the variable separating method.
The approximate direct reduction method is applied to the perturbed mKdV equation with weak fourth order dispersion and weak dissipation. The similarity reduction solutions of different orders conform to formal coherence, accounting for infinite series reduction solutions to the original equation and general formulas of similarity reduction equations. Painleve Ⅱ type equations, hyperbolic secant and Jacobi elliptic function solutions are obtained for zeroorder similarity reduction equations. Higher order similarity reduction equations are linear variable coefficient ordinary differential equations.
This paper studies the generalized Kawahara equation in terms of the approximate homotopy symmetry method and the approximate homotopy direct method. Using both methods it obtains the similarity reduction solutions and similarity reduction equations of different orders, showing that the approximate homotopy direct method yields more general approximate similarity reductions than the approximate homotopy symmetry method. The homotopy series solutions to the generalized Kawahara equation are consequently derived.