Test data compression and test resource partitioning (TRP) are essential to reduce the amount of test data in system-on-chip testing. A novel variable-to-variable-length compression codes is designed as advanced fre- quency-directed run-length (AFDR) codes. Different [rom frequency-directed run-length (FDR) codes, AFDR encodes both 0- and 1-runs and uses the same codes to the equal length runs. It also modifies the codes for 00 and 11 to improve the compression performance. Experimental results for ISCAS 89 benchmark circuits show that AFDR codes achieve higher compression ratio than FDR and other compression codes.
针对专用片上网络(Network on Chip,NoC)全局通信事务管理和可靠性设计问题,提出片上网络监控器的概念,用于获取全局网络实时状态信息及执行路径分配算法,基于此提出一种动态路由机制DyRS-NM.该机制能检测和定位NoC中的拥塞和故障链路,并能区分瞬时和永久性链路故障,采用重传方式避免瞬时故障,通过重新路由计算绕开拥塞和永久性故障.设计实现了RTL级网络监控器和与之通信的容错路由器模块,并将MPEG4解码器应用映射至基于网络监控器的4×4Mesh结构NoC体系结构中,验证了系统性能以及面积功耗开销.相比静态XY路由和容错动态路由FADR,DyRS-NM机制在可接受的开销代价下获得了更优的性能.