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23 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
选择位于柴达木盆地北缘的苏干湖作为研究对象. 利用210Pb, AMS 14C以及常规14C等测年手段, 建立了苏干湖沉积岩芯2 ka以来的时间序列. 对湖泊沉积细颗粒中的碳酸盐进行碳、氧同位素分析. 结合流域地表水δ18O值的变化以及气温观测资料, 认为碳酸盐δ18O值指示了流域有效湿度的变化; δ13C值的变化与湖泊年内冰封湖面时期的长短有关, 间接指示了区域冬半年气温的变化. 在此基础上, 建立了2 ka来苏干湖地区气候变化序列, 其气候变化过程经历了5个阶段: 0~190 AD, 暖干; 190~580 AD, 冷干; 580~1200 AD(MWP), 暖干; 1200~1880 AD(LIA), 冷湿; 1880~1950 AD期间为冷干气候, 20世纪50年代以来, 气候变暖. 碳同位素反映的2 ka以来冬半年气温的变化与历史文献记录以及其他地质记录有很好的一致性, 表明苏干湖同位素记录的2 ka来气候变化具有普遍意义.
<正>引言树轮生态学是从树轮年代学发展起来的一个分支学科。树轮年代学是一门研究树木木质部年生长层,以及利用年生长层来定年和评价过去环境变化的科学。它是以生理学为基础, 以树木径向生长特点为依据,用来研究环境变化影响树木生...
A mid-Holocene drought interval as evidenced by lake desiccation in the Alashan Plateau,Inner Mongolia,China被引量:71
The mid-Holocene in China is traditionally thought to be a warm and humid period with a strong summer monsoon, and is often termed the Holocene Climatic Optimum or Megathermal Period. Here we present lake geomorphologic and lithological evidence from the Alashan Plateau, part of the Mongolian Plateau, that indicates strong lake desiccation during the mid-Holocene. High resolution pollen data from Zhuyeze Lake, at the present summer monsoon margin, is also presented. These data show that present lakes and wetlands in the Juyanze Lake basin west of the Badain Jaran desert, in the Zhuyeze Lake basin between the Badain Jaran and Tengger deserts, and in lakes in the eastern Tengger desert, dried or experienced low lake levels in the mid-Holocene around 5000—7000 cal yr BP. Pollen data further indicate that the vegetation cover declined in both the local areas and in the Qilian Mountains, suggesting the climate was drier than that associated with the present Asian summer monsoon. This mid-Holocene drought interval was present throughout a quite large region of the south Inner Mongolian Plateau. The period was also probably colder, at least in the high Asian plateaus and mountains.
Extension of drylands in northern China around 250 kaBP linked with the uplift of the southeast margin of Tibetan Plateau被引量:7
Study on two loess sections, one located at Wu-wei near the Tengger Desert in northwestern China, another located near Ganzi at the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau in southwest China, reveals a coeval drying step occurred at -250 kaBP. It is expressed by the increase in eolian grain-size at Wuwei, and by a drastic extension of C4 plants and a decrease of loess chemical weathering intensity at Ganzi. Examination of the available eolian data indicates that the event has also been clearly documented in the loess sections near the deserts in northern China, and in the eolian records from the North Pacific. On the contrary, the signal is rather weak for the central and southern Loess Plateau regions as well as for Central Asia, where the climates are influenced by the southeast Asian monsoon and the westerlies, respectively. Since the climate at Ganzi is under strong control of the southwest Asian monsoon, we interpret this drying step as a result of decreased influence of the southwest summer
WU HaibinGUO ZhengtangFANG XiaominZHANG JiawuCHEN Fahu
Late Pleistocene/Holocene wetland events recorded in southeast Tengger Desert lake sediments,NW China被引量:12
The area along the eastern and southeastern margins of the Tengger Desert, NW China, which is sensitive to the summer monsoon variations, was selectedfor studying the environmental conditions surrounding the transition between Paleolithic foragers and Neolithic farmer/pastoral- ists. Short cores were obtained from four lake basins in the southwestern Tengger using a hand-driven piston coring device. Proxies from these cores were supplemented by ra- diocarbon ages obtained from lake sediment cores, shoreline features and spring mound deposits. Together these records provide evidence of millennial-scale climate change events from the Pleistocene-Holocene transition to the present. Lake/wetland events, representing periods of more intensive summer monsoon, occur in the records at ~12.7-11.6, ~10.1, ~9.3, ~8.0, ~5.4, ~1.5, and ~0.8 ka BP. They do suggest that century- to millennial-scale climatic cycles are characteristic of the Holocene in the southeastern Tengger Desert although the chronology must be considered extremely tentative.
High-resolution precipitation variations in the Northeast Tibetan Plateau over the last 800 years documented by sediment cores of Qinghai Lake被引量:21
Short cores of about 80-cm retrieved from three main basins of the deepwater areas in Qinghai Lake, the largest inland enclosed lake in China, were studied. Stable isotopes of authigenic carbonates, grain-size, carbonate and organic matter content at 5-year resolution are used to reconstruct the climatic history over the last 800 years in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Chronology was established according to 210Pb dating and 137Cs methods and the core correlation. It is found that cores from different deep basins of the lake can be well correlated. The sedimentary rate is highest in the western basin of the lake and lowest in the east. In the southern basin of the lake where the short core Qing-6 is located, the recent average sedimentation rate is 0.1004 cm/yr. Variations in effective precipitation recorded by the oxygen isotopes and grain size data during the last 800 years are consistent with the glacial accumulation record form the Dunde and Guliya ice cores. A dry climate lasted for 300 years from 1200 AD to 1500 AD, followed by a wet period from 1500 to 1560 AD. The two dry periods, 1560 to 1650 AD and 1780 to 1850 AD, were the results of southwest monsoon weakening. The effective precipitation generally increased since 1650 AD due to the strengthening of the Asian Southwest Monsoon, resulting in a wet period until the 1950s. Except the early stage, the Little Ice Age on the Plateau is characterized by increased effective moisture. Organic mat- ter content, with nearly 200-year cycles, shows similar trend with the atmospheric delta carbon-14 before the 1850s, indicating that the bioproductivity responds to solar activity.
A carbon- and oxygen-isotope record of recent environ- mental change from Qinghai Lake, NE Tibetan Plateau被引量:35
A c. 300-year oxygen and carbon isotope record derived from fine-grained and ostracod carbonate from Qinghai Lake testifies to dramatic interannual tointerdecadal limnological change. Fine-grained carbonates, which are mainly authigenic, are likely to have formed in the epilimnion of the lake and their isotopic composition reflects the summer temperature and, more importantly, the isotopic composition of the near-surface waters, which is mainly a function of evaporative concentration. Ostracod shells are secreted in the benthos of the lake, and their isotopic composition reflects summer bottom-water conditions, together with fractionation effects, which may differ between species. Differences betweencontemporaneous values from authigenic carbonates and ostracod shells may provide an indication of stratification within the lake and variations in effective precipitation over the northeast part of the Tibetan Plateau over the past 300 years. A period of moderate evaporative concentration, from about 300 to 100 yr BP, was interrupted by a marked wet phase from ~100 to 40 yr BP, which was in turnfollowed by a return to drier conditions in the most recent part of the record.The increase in ? 18O values in the latter part of the record accords well withinstrumental records of lake-level lowering and salinity increase since about 1955 AD.