Detailed CL image, U-Pb age and oxygen isotope composition in situ analyses for two metamorphic zircons from ultra-high pressure Xindian eclogite, Southern Dabie Terrain were carried out. There are two kinds of zircon in eclogite. The major subpopulation is podgy and isometric, and interpreted as protolith magmatic zircon with partial recrystallization. Its formation age is 811 ±22 Ma. The less abundant one is euhedral prismatic with core-rim structure and the rim being metamorphic overgrowth and formed at 221±17 Ma. Zircon CL image strength is mainly controlled by U and Th contents. The magmatic zircon has its Th/U ratio around 1.3 and decreasing with recrystallization, whereas metamorphic zircon has Th/U ratio of lower than 0.1. Magmatic and metamorphic zircon domains all show very low oxygen isotopic compositions with average δ18O values of 1.8?and 2.8? respectively. The low δ18O values in protolith zircon indicated meteoric water involvement in their magma source region. It may correlate with snowball earth event during Neoproterozoic. It also indicates that protolith zircon could survive its oxygen isotope signature during Dabie eclogite facies UHP metamorphism.
It is revealed by CL images that there are multi-stage growth internal structures of zircons in the Huangtuling granulite, including the inherited zircons, protolith zircons, sector and planar zone zircons and retrograde zircons. In-situ trace element compositions and Pb-Pb ages have been analyzed by LAM-ICP-MS. The sector and the planar zone domains show typical trace element characteristics of granulite zircon (low Th, U, Th/U, total REEs, clear negative Eu anomalies, relatively depleted HREE and small differential degree between MREE and HREE, etc.), indicating that they formed during granulite-facies metamorphism. The protolith zircons have trace element characteristics of crustal zircon (high Th, U, Th/U, total REEs and enriched HREEs, etc.). 12 analyzed spots on granulite-facies domains give a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of (2154±26) Ma (MSWD = 3.8), which is the best estimated age of granulite-facies metamorphism of this sample. The weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 5 analyzed spots on protolith zircon domains is (2714 ± 22) Ma (MSWD = 1.4), which represents the protolith forming time. The discovery of ca. 3.4 Ga inherited zircon indicates that there are Palaeoarchean continental materials in this area. The interpretation of formation conditions and the ages of zircons can be constrained by simultaneous in-situ analysis of trace elements and ages.
in situ analyses of oxygen isotopes were carried out by ion micro-probe for zircons from 8 localities of HP-UHP metamorphic rocks including eclogites in the Dabie-Sulu terrane. The results show significant heterogene-ity in d 18O values, with variation in different rocks from 8.5 to +9.7 and within one sample from 2 to 12. No measurable difference in d 18O was observed between proto-lith magmatic (detrital) zircons and metamorphic recrystal-lized zircons within analytical uncertainties from the ion micro-probe measurements. This indicates that the meta-morphic zircons have inherited the oxygen isotopic composi-tions of protolith zircons despite the HP to UHP metamor-phism. According to their protolith ages from zircon U-Pb in situ dating by the same ion micro-probe, two groups of oxy-gen isotope composition are recognized, with one having d 18O values of 6—7 for old protolith of 1.9—2.5 Ga ages and the other 0—2 for young protolith of 0.7—0.8 Ga ages. The latter anomalously low d 18O values of zircons in-dicate that the magma has had the obvious involvement of meteoric water when forming the young protolith of high-grade metamorphic rocks. This may be correlated with the snowball Earth event occurring in South China and the world elsewhere during the Neoproterozoic.