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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
本文对采自南海西沙的现代大砗磲(AD 1994—2005)进行高分辨率Sr/Ca比值分析。结果表明,与其他海洋双壳类Sr/Ca的不规律变化特征不同,南海砗磲Sr/Ca比值呈现出很好的年周期变化,且与实测SST形成很好的对应。通过全年对应和极端对应两种方法,建立了月分辨率砗磲Sr/Ca与SST的相关方程,分别为:Sr/Ca(mmol·mol^(-1))=3.595-0.0487×SST(℃)和Sr/Ca(mmol·mol^(-1))=3.842-0.0578×SST(℃)。后报结果对比分析显示两个方程在后报年平均温度上没有明显的差异,都较为准确。但是在后报极端月份温度上,极端对应方法更为准确。本研究为应用大砗磲探讨全新世SST的变化提供了新的依据。
Responses of Primary Productivity to Current and Climate Changes in the Mud Area to the Southwest of Cheju Island During the Past 800 Years被引量:2
The biogenic silica (BSi) ,total organic carbon (TOC) ,total nitrogen (TN) and grain size were analyzed with a gravity core (3250-6) collected from the mud area in the north East China Sea.The average deposition rate of the upper core was about 0.078cm yr1based on the results of 210Pbex.The mean grain size increased with depth in general.The frequency distribution of grain size showed that two marked changes of deposition environment occurred at 30 cm and 50 cm depths (about 1550 AD and 1300 AD,respectively) .The variations of BSi and TOC indicated two distinct major periods of primary productivity over the past 800 years:a stage of low primary productivity corresponding to weak upwelling and low nutrient input below 30 cm depth (about 1200-1550 AD) ,and a stage of high primary productivity with strong currents and upwelling above 30 cm depth (about 1550-1950 AD) .The stage with high primary productive appeared to be due to the northward-expanded muddy area caused by strong Asian Winter Monsoon and enhanced Yellow Sea Warm Current in winter.In conclusion,the BSi and TOC in the muddy sediments,the symbols of marine primary productivity,can be then used to investigate the evolution history of currents and relative climate change in the offshore areas.
A 2200-year Record of Seabird Population on Ganquan Island,South China Sea被引量:2
Geochemical characteristics of a 107 cm long sediment profile,collected from Ganquan Island,South China Sea,were analyzed.Based on concentrations of bio-elements(Cu,Zn,Cd,Ba,As, Se,P),^(210)Pb and AMS^(14)C dating,we reconstructed seabird population of Ganquan Island over the past 2200 years.Seabirds inhabited this island more than 2200 years ago,and their population displayed remarkable fluctuations with two peaks around 2100-1850 yr BP and 900-300 yr BP,respectively.The seabird population change profile on Ganquan Island is similar to that on Dongdao Island over the past 1800 years.We examined the relationship between the seabird population and climate,and found it quite complicated.The seabird population did not reach the maximum during the Medical Warm Period(MWP)with relatively high average temperature;however,it remained near the peak value for about 600 years during the climatic transition period and the Little Ice Age(LIA),indicating that a relatively cool climate is favorable for seabirds on Ganquan Island.
XU LiqiangLIU XiaodongSUN LiguangYAN HongLIUYiLUO YuhanHUANG Jing
Potential Applications of X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanner in Elemental Analyses of the Muddy Sediments on the Coastal Shelves of China and in Ecological Study被引量:2
Large areas of muddy sediments on the coastal shelves of China provide important samples for studying climate and ecological changes. Analysis of a large number of such samples, which is essential for systematic study on environmental information recorded in mud areas because of complicated sedimentary environment and variable sedimentary rate, requires a fast and economical method. In this study, we investigated the potential of X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRFS), a fast analytical instrument for measuring the elemental concentrations of muddy sediments, and observed a significant correlation between the element concentrations of muddy sediments determined by regular X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) and XRFS, respectively. The correlations are mainly determined by excitation energy of elements, but also influenced by solubility of element ions. Furthermore, we found a striking link between A1 concentrations and marine-originated organic carbon (MOC), a proxy of marine primary productivity. This indicates that MOC is partly controlled by sedimentary characteristics. Therefore, XRFS method has a good potential in fast analysis of a large number of muddy sediment samples, and it can also be used to calibrate MOC in ecological study of coastal seas.
ZHOU XinSUN LiguangLIU YiWANG Yuhong
Relocation of the Yellow River Estuary in 1855 AD Recorded in the Sediment Core from the Northern Yellow Sea被引量:3
Relocation of the Yellow River estuary has significant impacts on not only terrestrial environment and human activities, but also sedimentary and ecological environments in coastal seas. The responses of regional geochemical characteristics to the relocation event, however, have not been well studied. In the present study, we performed detailed geochemical elemental analyses of a sediment core from the northern Yellow Sea and studied their geochemical responses to the 1855AD relocation of the Yellow River estuary. The results show that TOC/TN, Co/A1203, Cr/A1203, Ni/A1203 and Se/A1203 ratios all decreased abruptly after 1855 AD, and similar decreases are observed in the sediments of the mud area southwest off the Cheju Island. These abrupt changes are very likely caused by the changes in source materials due to the relocation of the Yellow River estuary from the southern Yellow Sea to the Bohai Sea, which the corresponding decreasing trends caused by the changes in main source materials from those transported by the Liaohe River, the Haihe River and the Luanhe River to those by the Yellow River. Because the events have precise ages recorded in historical archives, these obvious changes in elemental geochemistry of sediments can be used to calibrate age models of related coastal sea sediments.
ZHOU XinJIA NanCHENG WenhanWANG YuhongSUN Liguang
热带太平洋水循环对全球气候具有非常重要的意义.虽然在年际尺度上,厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Nio-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)与沃克环流的变化对热带太平洋降雨具有显著的影响.但是在世纪尺度上,目前的古气候研究结果大多都认为赤道辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone,ITCZ)的整体摆动才是热带太平洋过去千年降雨变化的主要原因.这些研究结果显示在小冰期期间(LIA,AD1400~1850)ITCZ出现了南移,这一南移使得现代ITCZ北界附近的区域在小冰期期间降雨减少,而在南界附近的降雨则出现增多.利用湖泊沉积物多个指标重建的中国南海西沙东岛近千年的降雨变化显示,东岛在中世纪暖期(MWP,AD1000~1400)和现代温暖期(AD1850~2000)降雨较少,而在小冰期期间则表现为湿润.考虑到东岛的地理位置,这样的降雨变化很难被ITCZ整体摆动理论所解释.结合现代器测资料的分析,东岛的降雨变化很有可能主要受到了太平洋沃克环流变化的影响.这一结果说明热带地区过去千年降雨变化不仅仅受到ITCZ的整体摆动控制,其他气候系统如ENSO/沃克环流的变化也起到了重要的作用.进一步综合热带太平洋地区已有的古降雨记录对过去2000年南方涛动指数进行了定量重建,结果显示沃克环流变化与太阳活动之间存在明显的关联.
Solar influenced late Holocene temperature changes on the northern Tibetan Plateau被引量:12
Considerable efforts have been made to extend temperature records beyond the instrumental period through proxy reconstructions,in order to further understand the mechanisms of past climate variability.Yet,the global coverage of existing temperature records is still limited,especially for some key regions like the Tibetan Plateau and for earlier times including the Medieval Warm Period(MWP).Here we present decadally-resolved,alkenone-based,temperature records from two lakes on the northern Tibetan Plateau.Characterized by marked temperature variability,our records provide evidence that temperatures during the MWP were slightly higher than the modern period in this region.Further,our temperature reconstructions,within age uncertainty,can be well correlated with solar irradiance changes,suggesting a possible link between solar forcing and natural climate variability,at least on the northern Tibetan Plateau.
HE YuXinLIU WeiGuoZHAO ChengWANG ZhengWANG HuanYeLIU YiQIN XianYanHU QiHouAN ZhiShengLIU ZhongHui