In quantum mechanics, it is long recognized that there exist correlations between observables which are much stronger than the classical ones. These correlations are usually called entanglement, and cannot be accounted for by classical theory. In this paper, we will study correlations between observables in terms of covariance and the Wigner-Yanase correlation, and compare their merits in characterizing entanglement. We will show that the Wigner-Yanase correlation has some advantages over the conventional covariance.
Shun-long Luo, You-feng LuoAcademy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Let {Xn, n≥1} be a strictly stationary sequence of random variables, which are either associated or negatively associated, f(.) be their common density. In this paper, the author shows a central limit theorem for a kernel estimate of f(.) under certain regular conditions.