Huntington’s disease(HD) is an inherited,fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive los...
Jiu-Qiang Wang~1,Qian Chen~1,Xianhua Wang~2,Qiao-Chu Wang~1,Yun Wang~1, He-Ping Cheng~2,Caixia Guo~3,Qinmiao Sun~4,Tie-Shan Tang~1 1 State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology,Group of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China 2 State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology,Institute of Molecular Medicine,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China 3 Laboratory of Disease Genomics and Individual Medicine,Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China 4 State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology,Group of Immunity and Signal Transduction,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Autism spectrum disorders(ASD) are a pervasive neurodevelopmental disease characterized by deficits in social interaction and nonverbal communication, as well as restricted interests and stereotypical behavior. Genetic changes/heritability is one of the major contributing factors, and hundreds to thousands of causative and susceptible genes, copy number variants(CNVs), linkage regions, and micro RNAs have been associated with ASD which clearly indicates that ASD is a complex genetic disorder. Here, we will briefly summarize some of the high-confidence genetic changes in ASD and their possible roles in their pathogenesis.