The two line elements(TLEs),released by the North American Aerospace Defense Command(NORAD),are chosen for CubeSats' mission operators.Unfortunately,they have errors and other accompanied problems,which cause large deviations in the in-track component.When a TLE value is available at a certain epoch,the dominant error is the angular error.It is proposed to correct the angular error by solving-for the mean argument of latitude at the desired epoch.A batch least squares technique and range rate measurements are used for the correction process.With the assistance of satellite tool kit(STK)software and Matlab,a simulation to verify the orbit determination(OD)technique is implemented.This paper provides an angular correction low cost OD method and presents a complete analysis for various test cases.This approach maintains high accuracy in cross-track and radial and makes great improvement in in-track at the same time,but it is exclusive for circular orbits.When it is applied to an elliptical orbit,the error will be unacceptable.Therefore,the angular error is corrected using the longitude of periapsis which totally mitigates the error at the epoch under consideration.For inclinations less than 20 o,the mean longitude is preferred for the angular correction as it provides more accuracy compared with the mean argument of latitude.
CubeSats have evolved from purely educational tools to a standard platform for technology demonstration,scientific instrumentation and application in less than a decade.They open the door to new challenges and interplanetary missions which lead to the direct realization of autonomous orbit determination(AOD)which has been investigated before with different integrated sensors combined with various filters.Mostly these studies were carried out for larger satellites with more accurate sensors.Magnetometer and sun sensor combined with extended Kalman filter(EKF)are chosen to complete AOD task considering their light weight.For the purpose of AOD and the computational cost requirements imposed on CubeSats,it is important to develop and apply low cost on-board models.In this perspective,a magnetic model based on a table look up is proposed to generate the reference magnetic field with a low computational burden.In current article the simulations through Matlab and Satellites Tool Kit(STK)especially focus on the accuracy of the AOD system provided by this model.For analysis three EKFs are carried out with different calculation models and data types.The system based on the proposed model is fully autonomous,low-cost and has moderate-accuracy required by most CubeSats missions.The AOD system can be applied as main or backup system depending on the space missions′demands.
Wesam Mohammed ElmahyZhang XiangLu ZhengliangLiao Wenhe