Influence of eddy current on transient characteristics of common rail injector solenoid valve was studied in this paper. Experimental investigations of drive current and power source volt- age of both drive current ascending and descending process were conducted on a common rail injec- tor solenoid valve. A new discretizing calculation method of solenoid valve flux linkage was put for- ward for the first time based on the experimental results and drive circuit principle, and flux linkage of both drive current ascending and descending process were evaluated. New inductance calculation methods for drive current ascending and descending process respectively were also presented. Influ- ence of parasitic inductance was evaluated. Results indicate that the air gap, under which the transi- ent flux linkage of the solenoid valve is the biggest, varies with drive current due to eddy current. Flux linkage of drive current descending process is bigger than that of drive current ascending process under the same drive current and the same air gap width. Eddy current can reduce the delay between the time that drive current begins to descend and the time that armature begins to move downward. Inductance of drive current descending process is bigger than that of drive current as- cending process over larger scope of drive current, but the difference becomes smaller with the in- creasing of air gap width. The differences of both flux linkage and inductance between drive current ascending and descending process are caused by the eddy current in core and armature materials.