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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Seasonal changes in the relationship between species richness and community biomass in grassland under grazing and exclosure, Horqin Sandy Land, northern China被引量:2
How species diversityroductivity relationships respond to temporal dynamics and land use is still not clear in semi-arid grassland ecosystems. We analyzed seasonal changes of the relationships between vegetation cover, plant density, species richness, and above- ground biomass in grasslands under grazing and exclosure in the Horqin Sandy Land of northem China. Our results showed that in grazed and fenced grassland, vegetation cover, richness, and biomass were lower in April than in August, whereas plant density showed a reverse trend. Vegetation cover during the growing season and biomass in June and August were higher in fenced grassland than in grazed grassland, whereas plant density in April and June was lower in fenced grassland than in grazed grassland. A negative relationship between species richness and biomass was found in August in fenced grassland, and in grazed grassland the relationship between plant density and biomass changed from positive in April to negative in August. The relationship between the density of the dominant plant species and the total biomass also varied with seasonal changes and land use (grazing and exclosure). These results suggest that long-term grazing, seasonal changes, and their interaction significantly influence vegetation cover, plant density, and bio- mass in grasslands. Plant species competition in fenced grassland results in seasonal changes of the relationship between species rich- ness and biomass. Long-term grazing also affects seasonal changes of the density and biomass of dominant plant species, which fur- tiler affects the seasonal relationship between plant density and biomass in grasslands. Our study demonstrates the importance of tem- poral dynamics and land use in understanding the relationship between species richness and ecosystem fianction.
XiaoAn ZuoXueYong ZhaoTongHui ZhangShaoKun WangYaYong LuoXin Zhou
对科尔沁沙地流动沙丘中林龄为20年左右的樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)和小叶杨(Populus simonii)人工林表层土壤微生物数量、微生物生物量碳和酶活性进行了研究,流动沙丘作为对照。研究表明:樟子松和小叶杨人工林可以显著改善流动沙丘土壤性状,对沙丘土壤微生物活性具有显著的促进作用;土壤微生物数量、微生物生物量碳和酶活性均表现为小叶杨林>樟子松林>流动沙丘。樟子松和小叶杨林地土壤微生物总数分别是对照的50.16倍和72.48倍,三者差异显著;樟子松和小叶杨林地土壤微生物生物量碳分别是对照的23.67倍和33.34倍,林地与对照差异显著;两种林地土壤脱氢酶、过氧化物酶、蛋白酶、脲酶、纤维素酶活性分别是对照的19.00倍和27.54倍、4.78倍和9.89倍、4.05倍和8.67倍、29.93倍和37.46倍、9.66倍和13.42倍,林地与对照差异显著。在科尔沁沙地,人工种植适合当地气候特点的乔木,不仅可以改善流动沙丘土壤性状和微生物活性,而且还能起到固定流动沙丘的目的,樟子松和小叶杨是当地值得推广种植的防风固沙树种。土壤微生物量商(Cmic∶C)是一个衡量林地土壤稳定性和有效性较好的指标,从林地土壤养分有效性、林木稳定性和可持续性等方面综合考虑,樟子松比小叶杨更具优势。
Floral traits and pollination system of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum in the managed and wild populations in an arid region of Northwest China被引量:8
Zygophyllum xanthoxylum, which belongs to Sarcozygium of Zygophyllaceae, is one of the ecologically important species in Northwest China. In order to understand the pollination system of Z. xanthoxylum, we investigated the following characteristics of this species in the Urat Desert-grassland Research Station in western Inner Mongolia of China: flowering dynamics, pollen viability, pollen limitation, floral visitors and breeding system. The results showed that the flowering period and flowering peak were different between the wild and managed popula- tions, being longer in the managed population. Z. xanthoxylum was pollen-limited, and pollen limitation was more intense in the wild population than in the managed population. Chalicodoma deserticola (Hymenoptera) was found to be the most frequent pollinator in the wild population, while Anthophora fulvitarsis (Hymenoptera) was the most frequent and effective visitor in the managed population. Out-crossing was dominant in the breeding system and self-pollination just played an assistant role to assure the reproduction of Z. xanthoxylum.
CHEN MinZHAO XueyongZUO Xiao'anLIAN JieZHU Yangchun
Land cover changes and the effects of cultivation on soil properties in Shelihu wetland,Horqin Sandy Land,Northern China被引量:5
Land cover change plays an essential role in the alternation of soils properties. By field investigation and applying satellite images, land cover information in the Shelihu wetland was carried out in an area of 2,819 hm2 in 1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2011, respectively, in Horqin Sandy Land. A total of 57 soil sampling sites across Shelihu were chosen in wet meadow (CL0), cropland (CL) and sandy land (SL) according to the spatial characteristics of water body change. Soil texture, organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) contents, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH were measured at the soil depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm to examine the influence of agricultural conversion and continuous cultivation on soil properties. The results showed that the study area was covered by water body in 1985, which gradually declined afterwards and then reclaimed rapidly at a mean annual rate of 132.1 hm2/a from wet meadow to cropland since 1995. In 2011, water body was drained and the area was occupied by 10.8% of CL0, 76.9% of CL and 12.3% of SL. Large amounts of SOC, TN and TP were accumulated in the above depths in CL0. Soil in CL0 also had higher EC and silt and clay fractions, lower pH than in SL and CL. Soil in SL was seriously degraded with lower contents of SOC, TN and TP than in CL and CL0. SOC, TN content and EC in CL decreased with the increase of cultivation age, while pH showed a reverse trend with significance at plough horizon. The agricultural conversion in Shelihu was driven by the comprehensive factors of precipitation reduction, economic development and intense competitions for irrigation water. Continuous cultivation in this process is not sustainable because of SOC degradation and nutrient content reduction. The key point is that conventional tillage and removal of residuals induced further land degradation. Wetland reclamation for immediate economic interests led to greater costs in the long-term environmental restoration in Horqin Sandy Land.
Artificial root exudates and soil organic carbon mineralization in a degraded sandy grassland in northern China被引量:11
Plant root exudates contain various organic and inorganic components that include glucose, citric and oxalic acid. These components affect rhizosphere microbial and microfaunal activities, but the mechanisms are not fully known. Studies concerned from degraded grassland ecosystems with low soil carbon(C) contents are rare, in spite of the global distribution of grasslands in need of restoration. All these have a high potential for carbon sequestration, with a reduced carbon content due to overutilization. An exudate component that rapidly decomposes will increase soil respiration and CO2 emission, while a component that reduces decomposition of native soil carbon can reduce CO2 emission and actually help sequestering carbon in soil. Therefore, to investigate root exudate effects on rhizosphere activity, citric acid, glucose and oxalic acid(0.6 g C/kg dry soil) were added to soils from three biotopes(grassland, fixed dune and mobile dune) located in Naiman, Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia, China) and subjected to a 24-day incubation experiment together with a control. The soils were also analyzed for general soil properties. The results show that total respiration without exudate addition was highest in grassland soil, intermediate in fixed dune and lowest in mobile dune soil. However, the proportion of native soil carbon mineralized was highest in mobile dune soil, reflecting the low C/N ratio found there. The exudate effects on CO2-C emissions and other variables differed somewhat between biotopes, but total respiration(including that from the added substrates) was significantly increased in all combinations compared with the control, except for oxalic acid addition to mobile dune soil, which reduced CO2-C emissions from native soil carbon. A small but statistically significant increase in pH by the exudate additions in grassland and fixed dune soil was observed, but there was a major decrease from acid additions to mobile dune soil. In contrast, electrical conductivity decreased in grassland
YongQing LUOXueYong ZHAOOlof ANDRéNYangChun ZHUWenDa HUANG
对位于科尔沁沙地腹地的奈曼旗近30a来土地利用/覆被信息中水域类型的景观格局指数进行了时空组合分析。结果表明,大尺度研究区(8 135.15km2)1975—1985年水体与湿地斑块的类型面积和数量增加,形状趋于复杂;1985—2005年斑块类型面积和数量大幅减少,形状趋于简单;中尺度研究区(892.74km2)水体与湿地斑块的类型面积在波动中减小,湿地斑块数量减少和形状简单化的转折期相对较短且滞后于水体。小尺度研究区(110.42km2)集中了人畜以及上游活动的干扰,水体与湿地斑块仅在个别时期出现,难以连续存在。在各尺度研究区内,河漫滩斑块类型面积变化趋势各异,数量和形状复杂程度都相对稳定;且随着研究区增大形状更加不规则。水域类型的景观格局虽然在不同时空上的动态过程存在差异性,但其发展方向具有相同趋势,发展过程受到气候波动和人类活动干扰的共同影响。