本文采用高能粒子输运程序MCNPX2.5.0,对中国散裂中子源(CSNS)靶站重要部件所使用的钨、SS316不锈钢与Al-6061等材料,由于中子与质子辐照所引起的损伤能量截面与原子离位截面进行了计算,对钨靶体、靶的不锈钢容器、慢化器与反射体的铝容器等部件的辐照损伤量——原子离位次数(displacement pe ratom,DPA)进行了计算与分析,并给出了质子束斑形状对靶体及靶容器DPA峰值的影响.这些计算与分析对正在建设的中国散裂中子源靶站的设计及参数选择具有重要的实际意义.
The small angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument is presently being constructed at Chinese Spal- lation Neutron Source (CSNS) in China, and the biological shielding design is needed to prevent the instrument from causing excessive dose rates in accessible locations. In this paper, the study of shielding design for SANS that relies on Monte Carlo simulation is introduced. Beam line shielding calculations are performed considering both scenarios of closed versus open TO chopper. The basic design scheme of the beam stop is discussed. The size of the TO chopper rotor is also estimated.