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22 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
The Influence of Time Scale on the Quantitative Study of Soil and Water Conservation Effect of Grassland
Quantitative analysis of time scale effects is conducive to further understanding of vegetation water and soil conservation mechanism.Based on the observation data of the grass covered and bare soil( control) experimental plots located in Hetian Town,Changting County of Fujian Province from 2007 to 2010,the characteristics of 4 parameters( precipitation,vegetation,RE and SE) were analyzed at precipitation event,month,season,and annual scales,and then the linear regression models were established to describe the relationships between RE( SE)and its influencing factors of precipitation and vegetation. RE( SE) means the ratio of runoff depth( soil loss) of grass covered plot to that of the control plot. Results show that these 4 parameters presented different magnitude and variation on different time scales. RE and SE were relatively stable either within or among different time scales due to their ratios reducing the influence of other factors. The coupling of precipitation and vegetation led to better water conservation effect at lower RE( < 0. 3) at precipitation event scale as well as at season scale,while the water conservation effect was dominated by precipitation at slightly higher( 0. 3- 0. 4) and higher( > 0. 7) REs at precipitation event scale as well as at annual scale( R2> 0. 78). For the soil conservation effect,precipitation or / and vegetation was / were the dominated influence factor( s) at precipitation event and annual scales,and the grass LAI could basically describe the positive conservation effect( SE <1,R2> 0. 55),while the maximum 30 min intensity( I30) could describe the negative conservation effect more accurately( SE >1,R2> 0. 79). More uncertainties( R2≈0. 4) exist in the models of both RE and SE at two moderate time scales( month and season). Consequently,factors influencing water and soil conservation effect of grass present different variation and coupling characteristics on different time scales,indicating the importance of time scale at the study on water and soil conservation.
Xiaoxia WUZhujun GU
Comparison of Water and Soil Conservation Effect of Trees,Shrubs and Grasses in the Red Soil Area of Southern China
Assessing the effects of vegetation on water and soil conversation is the key basis for research and management of ecological restoration on water-eroded areas.In this study,the runoff depth,soil loss and corresponding precipitation of five plots planted respectively with Pueraria lobata,Lespedeza bicolor Turcz,Manglietia yuyuanensis Law,Paspalum natatu Fliigge,Paspalum wettsteinii Hackel and one control plot were observed monthly from 2003 to 2010 in Hetian Town of Changting County,Fujian Province,a typical water-eroded area in southern China.Then the effects of different vegetation on water/soil conversation(RE/SE)were determined using the ratios of runoff depth/soil loss between vegetated plots to the control plot.Meanwhile,the effect of precipitation on the water and soil loss was also analyzed.The results showed that,both the water and soil conservation effects of Pueraria lobata and Manglietia yuyuanensis Law are better than Lespedeza bicolor Turcz and Paspalum natatu,while Paspalum wettsteinii Hackel are the worst.The differences of effects of water conservation are more significantly than those of soil conversation between five kinds of vegetations.The runoff depth is mainly affected by precipitation,the determination coefficients(R2)of linear regression models between precipitation and runoff depth of all planted plots are all greater than 0.9,whereas the determination coefficients of the linear regression models between precipitation and soil loss vary form 0.3 to 0.8 for different vegetated plots.These results provide a reference for vegetation reconstruction in the current and similar areas.
Shaoyun PENGZhujun GUPing XIU
基于福建省长汀县河田镇48个样区(15 m×15 m)植被垂直分层类型,不同垂直层次的总体植被覆盖度、枯落物厚度、土壤粒径分布及养分含量3类土壤属性数据,分析植被特征与土壤属性间的相互关系,并比较不同侵蚀程度、不同垂直结构类型下植被覆盖度、枯落物厚度与土壤粒径分布及养分含量的差异。结果表明,植被覆盖度、枯落物厚度与侵蚀程度显著负相关,与土壤中有机质含量、全氮含量、全磷含量显著正相关,但与全钾含量差异不显著。当植被覆盖度达到50%、枯落物厚度达到20 mm时、可以有效保持水土,其中枯落物较上层植被的水土保持作用更明显。不同植被垂直结构组合中,选择林灌草、林灌、灌草、纯草均可以较好地促进植被生长、改良土壤结构、保持土壤肥力。
【目的】为了全面认识中国各省区农业化肥使用的区域差异及对生态环境的潜在威胁,准确把握其环境风险程度,加强风险管理,促进农业可持续发展,对中国化肥投入的分布特征和环境风险进行分析。【方法】考虑氮磷钾3种化肥不同的环境污染效应,建立带有权重系数的化肥使用环境风险指数计算模型,评价中国化肥投入的环境风险。应用定性定量相结合的层次分析法,确定氮磷钾三因子的权重系数。根据原国家环境保护总局2007年设定的生态县建设化肥使用强度小于250 kg·hm-2的标准,按照目前发达国家氮磷钾比例1﹕0.5﹕0.5的施肥实践,确定氮磷钾三元素的环境安全阈值。【结果】目前中国农田化肥使用量平均达到480 kg·hm-2,大多数省区农田化肥投入过量。其基本趋势是东南投入高,西北投入少。2012年化肥使用强度最大、超过690 kg·hm-2的前5个省份是福建、广东、河南、湖北、江苏;化肥使用强度低于200 kg·hm-2的7个省区是西藏、青海、甘肃、黑龙江、贵州、内蒙古、山西。总化肥使用强度最大的福建(908.7 kg·hm-2)是西藏自治区(137.99 kg·hm-2)的6.6倍。氮肥使用强度的区域差异与氮磷钾总肥一致,其中氮肥使用强度最大的广东省(448.5 kg·hm-2)是西藏自治区(62.59kg·hm-2)的7.2倍;氮磷钾施肥不平衡的现象普遍存在,磷肥使用强度最大的河南省(259.8 kg·hm-2)是最小的贵州省(44.04 kg·hm-2)的6倍;钾肥使用强度最大的福建省(264.73 kg·hm-2)是最低的青海省(30.83 kg·hm-2)的8.6倍,钾肥的使用在青海、西藏、甘肃、贵州等省区明显不足。中国农业化肥使用环境污染的潜在风险较大,仅有西藏、青海、贵州、甘肃和黑龙江5个省区属于尚安全状态,河南、福建、广东和湖北属于重度风险状态,其他省区属于轻度风险和中度风险状态。近10年来,中国的化肥消费量以每年3%的速率增加,高环�
Estimating vertical vegetation density through a SPOT5 imagery at multiple radiometric correction levels
There is growing concern about remote sensing of vertical vegetation density in rapidly expanding peri-urban interfaces. A widely used parameter for such density, i.e., leaf area index (LAI), was measured in situ in Nanjing, China and then correlated with two vegetation indices (VI) derived from multiple radiometric correction levels of a SPOT5 imagery. The VIs were a normal- ized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and a ratio vegetation index (RVI), while the four radiometric correction levels were i) post atmospheric correction reflectance (PAC), ii) top of atmosphere reflectance (TOA), iii) satellite radiance (SR) and iv) digital number (DN). A total of 157 LAI-VI relationship models were established. The results showed that LA! is positively correlated with VI (r varies from 0.303 to 0.927, p 〈 0.001). The R: values of"pure" vegetation were generally higher than those of mixed vegetation. The average R2 values of about 40 models based on DN data (0.688) were higher than that of the routinely used PAC (0.648). Independent variables of the optimal models for different vegetation quadrats included two vegetation indices at three radiometric correction lev- els, indicating the potential of vegetation indices at multiple radiometric correction levels in LAI inversion. The study demonstrates that taking heterogeneities of vegetation structures and uncertainties of radiometric corrections into account may help full mining of valuable information from remote sensing images, thus improving accuracies of LAI estimation.
GU Zhu-jun LIU Jia-xue
Analyzing Forest Effects on Runoff and Sediment Production Using Leaf Area Index被引量:4
Quantifying the effects of forests on water and soil conservation helps further understanding of ecological functions and improving vegetation reconstruction in water-eroded areas.Studies on the effects of vegetation on water and soil conservation have generally focused on vegetation types or vegetation horizontal distribution densities.However,only a few studies have used indicators that consider the vegetation vertical distribution.This study used the leaf area index(LAI) to investigate the relationship between forests and water and soil conservation in experimental plots.From 2007 to 2010,rainfall characteristics,LAI,and water and soil loss in 144 natural erosive rainfall events were measured from five pure tree plots(Pinus massoniana).These tree plots were located in Hetian Town,Changting County,Fujian Province,which is a typical water-eroded area in Southern China.Quadratic polynomial regression models for LAI and water/soil conservation effects(RE/SE) were established for each plot.The RE and SE corresponded to the ratios of the runoff depth(RD) and the soil loss(SL) of each pure tree plot to those of the control plot under each rainfall event.The transformation LAIs of the LAI–RE and LAI–SE curves,as well as the rainfall characteristics for the different water/soil conservation effects,were computed.The increasing LAI resulted in descending,descending–ascending,ascending–descending,and ascending trends in the LAI–RE and LAI–SE curves.The rainfall frequencies corresponding to each trend of LAI–RE and LAI–SE were different,and the rainfall distributions were not uniform per year.The effects of soil conservation in the plots were superior to those of water conservation.Most of the RE and SE values presented a positive effect on water and soil conservation.The main factor that caused different effects was rainfall intensity.During heavy rains(e.g.,rainfall erosivity R = 145 MJ mm/ha h and maximum 30 min intensity I30 = 13 mm/h),the main effects were positive,whereas light rains(e.g.,R = 70 MJ m
WU Xiao-XiaGU Zhu-JunLUO HaoSHI Xue-ZhengYU Dong-Sheng