This study firstly defines a set of arrangement rule for perforated holes of multi-hole orifice(MO), and then presents three critical geometrical parameters including total number of performated hole, equivalent diameter ratio and distribution density of perforated holes, which are to quantify MO structure. This paper built the throttling test apparatus for nice test MO plates, which were designed according to orthogonal theory. The experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of three critical geometerical parameters on the pressure loss coefficient of test MOs. Results show that equivalent diameter ratio is the dominant prameter affecting MO throttling characterstic.
国家机关办公建筑和大型公共建筑的高耗能问题日益突出,该类建筑的节能改革正成为当前建筑节能工作的重点,因此做好此类建筑运行能耗尤其是暖通空调设备运行能耗的监测与节能诊断分析对实现"十一五"节能目标有重要意义。本文设计开发了建筑运行能耗监测与节能诊断系统硬件子系统,该系统不仅能监测耗能量,还能监测用能品质。主要研究内容包括以MS SQL Server 2000作为平台设计了能耗监测与数据信息数据库系统,开发了建筑运行能耗监测数据采集服务器程序与客户端查询分析程序,建筑用户凭密码可在网上查询最新的监测数据并得到分析报告,从而帮助建筑用户实现能源系统由粗放型管理转变为精细型、科学化管理。在此系统基础上,通过工程案例分析,发现空调系统中存在严重的"大流量、小温差"现象和电力系统中存在"三相不平衡"能源浪费问题。