A wave flume simulator was used to study internal nitrogen release from the surface sediment collected from Taihu Lake, China. Particulate nitrogen concentrations were positively correlated with the concentrations of suspended solids, primarily from surface erosion related to the shear stress and duration of wave action. In response to 4 cm- and 10 cm-high wave production representing waves generated in Taihu Lake by gentle and gusty winds, respectively, the mean dynamic release rate of ammonium (NH4+) from the sediment to the overlying water was 1 × 10-3 mg/(m2.s) and the NH4+ concentration in the overlying water increased by 0.016 mg/L, indicating that waves resulting from strong wind can induce the rapid release of dissolved nitrogen from Taihu Lake sediments. The decrease in interstitial NH4+ concentrations at all sediment depths was associated with an increase in NH4+ concentrations in the overlying water by 0.01 mg/L, showing that sediment below the eroded layer was the main source of internal nitrogen release. Changes in the interstitial dissolved oxygen and NH4+ concentrations showed that wave-induced pore water movement can greatly increase the diffusion rate, and that these 15 cm. Diffusion induced by pore water movement sediment layer in Taihu Lake. effects can influence the sediment to a depth of at least may be very important for the formation of an active
广东开平大沙河水库为开平市主要供水源,其入库河流都受到不同程度的污染,水库呈富营养化状态需控制外源营养盐的输入。为了探究SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型在亚热带地区的适用性,为流域污染管理提供参考,运用ArcSWAT2009对大沙河水库流域进行了径流模拟和评价研究。用LH-OAT方法进行参数敏感性分析,找出对径流模拟影响较大的15个参数,采用2003—2012年的水库总入流数据对模型进行率定和验证。结果表明,LH-OAT敏感性分析方法可准确地找出模型的敏感参数;将时间尺度分别为日和月的率定和验证结果进行比较,月模拟效果明显较好,其与实测数据的相关系数R2分别为0.884和0.911,纳什系数(NSE)分别为0.879和0.907;模型的自动率定SCE-UA方法在大沙河水库流域的水量模拟中较适用,值得进一步研究应用,为水质水量管理工作提供参考。