This paper focused on the evolution over time of elasticity of the cement paste during the hydration, e g, Young's modulus and Poisson's ration, by the proposed homogenization method combined the percolation algorithm with individual phase intrinsic elasticity. A cement paste development model, named CEMHYD3D, was used to establish an accurate microstructure. The modelling results are in good agreement with the experimental data and other numerical results available in the open literatm'e. The suitable homogeneous scheme, applied to each level, should be carefully chosen to result in a realistic prediction. The percolation concept should aims to correctly predict the elasticity for cement paste at very early age, especially under low w/c ratios.
为量化控制混凝土浇注质量,研究开发了一套动态可视化实时监测集成系统.此集成系统利用GPS定位导航的RTK(real time kinematic)工作模式和特制电极装置实时获取振捣棒轨迹和振捣时间,经单片机过滤整合后无线发送给远程计算机,最终由可视化软件评判并实现在线馈控作业.试验表明:该系统可较好地实现实时监测和量化评价混凝土振捣状态.