为了寻求有效的草地地上生物量估测方法和精确估测黄土高原典型草原草原地上生物量。于2014年8月中旬,在黄土高原典型草原草原地上生物量达到最大值,分别从单株水平和种群水平进行野外调查。以株高(H)和盖度(C)的复合因子(C×H)为自变量,通过回归分析,建立地上生物量估测模型,采用留一法对其精确性进行评估;并通过校正系数以及群落总生物量估测值和实测值比较单株水平和种群水平所建模型的精确性。结果表明:黄土高原典型草原草地,无论在单株水平还是种群水平,线性和幂函数对该区域生物量的拟合效果更好。估测模型检验结果表明,在单株水平各个物种的生物量估测值与实测值相关性较好,均达到了显著水平(P<0.05),其r值均大于0.6,总相对误差RS均小于10%,平均相对误差绝对值RMA(average absolute value of relative error)均小于30%,总生物量的实测值与估测值比较接近,校正系数均接近1;而在种群水平上,虽然各物种的生物量估测值与实测值相关性均达到了显著水平(P<0.05),但多数物种平均相对误差绝对值RMA大于30%,总相对误差RS(total relative error)均大于10%,总生物量的估测值均大于实测值,校正系数均偏离了1,说明在黄土高原典型草原通过单株水平建立的物种生物量估测模型的精度优于种群水平建立的物种生物量估测模型的精度。
Soil labile organic carbon (C) plays an important role in improving soil quality. The relatively stable fractions of soil organic C (SOC) represent the bulk of SOC, and are also the primary determinant of the long-term C balance of terrestrial ecosystems. Different land use types can influence the distribution patterns of different SOC fractions. However, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. In the present study, different fractions of SOC were determined in two land use types: a grazed grassland (established on previously cultivated cropland 25 years ago, GG) and a long-term cultivated millet cropland (MC). The results showed that C concentration and C storage of light fractions (LF) and heavy fractions (HF) presented different patterns along the soil profiles in the two sites. More plant residues in GG resulted in 91.9% higher LF storage at the 0-10 cm soil depth, further contributed to 21.9% higher SOC storage at this soil depth; SOC storage at 20-60 cm soil depth in MC was 98.8% higher than that in GG, which could be mainly attributed to the HF storage 104.5% higher than in GG. This might be caused by the long-term application of organic manure, as well as the protection from plough pan and silt- and clay-sized particles. The study indicated that different soil management practices in this region can greatly influence the variations of different SOC fractions, while the conventional tillage can greatly improve the storage of SOC by in- creasing heavy fractions.
HAN HuigeLI XudongNIU DecaoSharon J HALLGUO DingWAN ChangguiJennifer K LEARNEDFU Hua