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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Mapping epistasis and environment × QTX interaction based on four-omics genotypes for the detected QTX loci controlling complex traits in tobacco被引量:4
Using newly developed methods and software, association mapping was conducted for chromium content and total sugar in tobacco leaf, based on four-omics datasets. Our objective was to collect data on genotype and phenotype for 60 leaf samples at four developmental stages, from three plant architectural positions and for three cultivars that were grown in two locations. Association mapping was conducted to detect genetic variants at quantitative trait SNP(QTS) loci, quantitative trait transcript(QTT) differences,quantitative trait protein(QTP) variability, and quantitative trait metabolite(QTM) changes,which can be summarized as QTX locus variation. The total heritabilities of the four-omics loci for both traits tested were 23.60% for epistasis and 15.26% for treatment interaction.Epistasis and environment × treatment interaction had important impacts on complex traits at all-omics levels. For decreasing chromium content and increasing total sugar in tobacco leaf, six methylated loci can be directly used for marker-assisted selection, and expression of ten QTTs, seven QTPs and six QTMs can be modified by selection or cultivation.
Liyuan ZhouRuiyuan LiLongjiang FanYuewei ShiZhihong WangShengdong XieYijie GuiXueliang RenJun Zhu
Genome-wide mapping of QTL associated with heterosis in the RIL-based NCIII design被引量:3
Heterosis represents one of the most revolutionary advancements in crop improvement.In the genetic dissection of heterosis,NCIII design is one of the most powerful and widely used mating schemes.However,the methodologies for quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection in the design were mostly based on composite interval mapping.Therefore,in this study,our purpose was to develop a statistical method for mapping epistatic QTL associated with heterosis in the RIL-based NCIII design.First,we derivated the expectations of two classical linear transformations,Z 1 and Z 2,while a quantitative trait was controlled by two QTL with digenic epistasis and arbitrary linkage under the F ∞ and F 2 metric models.Then,we constructed an epistatic genetic model that includes all markers on the whole genome simultaneously,and estimated all the parameters in the model by the empirical Bayes approach.Finally,a series of Monte Carlo simulation experiments was carried out to confirm the proposed approach.The results show that:(1) all the augmented genetic parameters for main-effect QTL could be rightly identified with satisfactory statistical power and precision;(2) the statistical powers in the detection of augmented epistatic effects were substantively affected by the signs of pure epistatic effects;(3) it is more difficult to detect epistatic QTL than to detect main-effect QTL;(4) statistical power is higher in the RIL-based NCIII design than in the F 2-based NCIII design,especially in the detection of the augmented epistatic effect that consists of two pure epistatic effects in opposite directions.
HE XiaoHongHU ZhongLiZHANG Yuan-Ming
A new approach to dissecting complex traits by combining quantitative trait transcript (QTT) mapping and diallel cross analysis被引量:3
A promising way to uncover the genetic architectures underlying complex traits may lie in the ability to recognize the genetic variants and expression transcripts that are responsible for the traits' inheritance.However,statistical methods capable of investigating the association between the inheritance of a quantitative trait and expression transcripts are still limited.In this study,we described a two-step approach that we developed to evaluate the contribution of expression transcripts to the inheritance of a complex trait.First,a mixed linear model approach was applied to detect significant trait-associated differentially expressed transcripts.Then,conditional analysis were used to predict the contribution of the differentially expressed genes to a target trait.Diallel cross data of cotton was used to test the application of the approach.We proposed that the detected differentially expressed transcripts with a strong impact on the target trait could be used as intermediates for screening lines to improve the traits in plant and animal breeding programs.It can benefit the discovery of the genetic mechanisms underlying complex traits.
YANG DaiGangYE ChengYinMA XiongFengZHU ZhiHongZHOU XiaoJianWANG HaiFengMENG QingQinPEI XiaoYuYU ShuXunZHU Jun
The Quantitative Genetic Analysis Station (QGAStation) is a software package that has been developed to perform statistical analysis for complex traits.It consists of five domains for handling data from diallel crosses,regional trials,core germplasm collections,QTL mapping,and microarray experiments.The first domain contains genetic models for diallel cross analysis,in which genetic variance components and genetic-by-environment interactions can be estimated,and genetic effects can be predicted.The second domain evaluates the performance of varieties in regional trials by implementing a general statistical method that outperforms ANOVA in tackling unbalanced data that arises frequently in trials across multiple locations and over a number of years.The third domain,using predicted genotypic values as proxy,constructs core germplasm collections covering sufficient genetic diversity with lower redundancy.The fourth domain manages genotypic and phenotypic data for QTL mapping.Linkage maps can be constructed and genetic distances can be estimated;the statistical methods that have been implemented apply to both chiasmatic and achiasmatic organisms.Another part of this domain can filter systematic noises in phenotypic data.The fifth domain focuses on the cDNA expression data that is generated by microarray experiments.A two-step strategy has been implemented to detect differentially expressed genes and to estimate their effects.Except in the fourth domain,the major statistical methods that have been used are mixed linear model approaches that have been implemented in the C language.Computational efficiency is further boosted for computers that are equipped with graphics processing units (GPUs).A user friendly graphic interface is provided for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac operating systems.QGAStation is available at http://ibi.zju.edu.cn/software/qga/.
Dissecting anxiety-related QTLs in mice by univariate and multivariate mapping被引量:2
To detect genes underlying anxiety-related traits in mice,we performed univariate and multivariate QTL mapping analyses of phenotypes obtained from 71 mice of the BXD recombinant inbred (RI) strains (n=528 mice) and their parental strains (C57BL/6J and DBA/2J).Separate and joint mapping analyses were carried out using a linkage map composed of 506 simple sequence repeats (SSRs).The main QTL effects,interactions between pairs of QTLs (epistasis),and their environmental interactions were estimated.The results showed that anxiety-related traits were influenced by multiple QTLs (five main effect QTLs and three epistatic QTLs).Ten potential anxiety-related candidate genes within the QTL intervals on chromosomes 5,13 and 15 were identified.Some of these genes have been reported previously to be associated with the anxiety response.Based on our results,it is suggested that the multivariate QTL mapping approach improves the statistical power for detecting QTL and the precision of parameter estimation.Moreover,multivariate mapping can also detect pleiotropic QTL effects.
棉花形态性状对于棉株营养生长至关重要,同时,对其生殖生长也有着关键影响。该研究对来源于3个不同种植环境下的39个陆地棉品种材料及其178个F1组合的株高、茎秆粗、第一果节数和果枝数的遗传结构进行了剖析。关联分析采用基于混合线性模型的统计方法,剖析的遗传效应包括加性效应、显性效应、上位性效应及其与环境的互作效应。结果共检测到25个数量性状SSR(simple sequence repeat,简单重复序列)位点与这4个形态学性状显著相关,总遗传率达到63.08%~78.28%;加性、显性及其与环境的互作效应是棉花形态性状遗传的重要遗传资源,直接选择显著的SSR位点可优化棉株的形态性状。
Statistical approaches in QTL mapping and molecular breeding for complex traits被引量:3
Most of the important agronomic traits in crops,such as yield and quality,are complex traits affected by multiple genes with gene × gene interaction as well as gene × environment interaction.Understanding the genetic architecture of complex traits is a long-term task for quantitative geneticists and plant breeders who wish to design efficient breeding programs.Conventionally,the genetic properties of traits can be revealed by partitioning the total variation into variation components caused by specific genetic effects.With recent advances in molecular genotyping and high-throughput technology,the unraveling of the genetic architecture of complex traits by analyzing quantitative trait locus (QTL) has become possible.The improvement of complex traits has also been achieved by pyramiding individual QTL.In this review,we describe some statistical methods for QTL mapping that can be used to analyze QTL × QTL interaction and QTL × environment interaction,and discuss their applications in crop breeding for complex traits.
XU HaiMingZHU Jun
Statistical method for mapping QTLs for complex traits based on two backcross populations被引量:2
Most important agronomic and quality traits of crops are quantitative in nature.The genetic variations in such traits are usually controlled by sets of genes called quantitative trait loci (QTLs),and the interactions between QTLs and the environment.It is crucial to understand the genetic architecture of complex traits to design efficient strategies for plant breeding.In the present study,a new experimental design and the corresponding statistical method are presented for QTL mapping.The proposed mapping population is composed of double backcross populations derived from backcrossing both homozygous parents to DH (double haploid) or RI (recombinant inbreeding) lines separately.Such an immortal mapping population allows for across-environment replications,and can be used to estimate dominance effects,epistatic effects,and QTL-environment interactions,remedying the drawbacks of a single backcross population.In this method,the mixed linear model approach is used to estimate the positions of QTLs and their various effects including the QTL additive,dominance,and epistatic effects,and QTL-environment interaction effects (QE).Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed method and to assess the accuracy and efficiency of its estimations.The results showed that the proposed method could estimate the positions and the genetic effects of QTLs with high efficiency.
ZHU ZhiHongHAYART YousafYANG JianCAO LiYongLOU XiangYangXU HaiMing
水稻(Oryza sativa)最初在长江中下游地区被驯化,在中国境内已发现大量稻作遗址.目前稻作史研究均是根据形态如小穗轴等来进行驯化进程分析,至今尚无利用序列数据进行分析的报道.本研究对来自3个考古遗址(浙江田螺山遗址、江西新干战国粮仓和浙江湖州毗山遗址唐代文化层,年代分别为7000,2400和1200BP)稻作遗存进行了DNA提取,PCR克隆测定了4个基因组片段.序列分析表明,每个遗址均发现2个以上的水稻基因型,表明当时的种质尚处于混杂状态.与来自亚洲栽培稻以及野生稻的比较分析,发现至少一个古稻基因型在栽培稻中可能已丢失,同时本研究稻作遗存可能为粳稻类型,或当时可能尚处于籼粳稻混种或籼粳分化不明显状态,但粳稻类型占优势.本研究结果表明水稻在驯化过程中发生了显著的基因型分化.在田螺山遗址稻作遗存中还发现与无患子目、蒺藜目和十字花目植物高度同源的序列,这与遗址发现大量楝树遗存以及南方常见田间杂草芥类等植物遗存相吻合.
Ancient DNA sequences of rice from the low Yangtze reveal significant genotypic divergence被引量:2
Rice (Oryza sativa) was first domesticated in the lower and middle Yangtze regions of China, and rice remains have been found in many Chinese archaeological sites. Until now, only phenotypic archeobotanical evidence, such as the spikelet bases of ancient grains, has been used to speculate on the domestication process and domestication rate of rice. In this study, we sequenced 4 genomic segments from rice remains in Tianluoshan, a site of the local Hemudu Neolithic culture in the low Yangtze and two other archaeological sites (~2400 and 1200 BC, respectively). We compared our sequences with those of the current domesticated and wild rice (O. rufipogon) populations. At least two genotypes were found in the remains from each site, suggesting a heterozygotic state of the rice seeds. One ancient genotype was not found in the current domesticated population and might have been lost. The rice remains belonged to the japonica group, and most if not all were japonica-type, suggesting that the remains might be at an early stage of indica-japonica divergence or an indica-japonica mixture. We also identified sequences with significant similarity to those from species of Sapindales, Zygophyllales, and Brassicales, which is consistent with the identification of other plant remains in the Tianluoshan site and the common rice field weeds such as mustards in southern China.