1 Introduction Internal kink mode driven by barely trapped suprakthermal electrons is reported on D Ⅲ-D tokama . This instability is most active when electron cyclotron current drive ( ECCD ) is applied on the high field side of the flux surface. It has a bursting behavior with poloidal/toroidal mode number m/n = 1/1. In positive magnetic shear plasma this mode becomes fishbone instability.
WANG ZhongtianLONG YongxingDONG JiaqiWANG LongZonca F.
The geodesic acoustic mode (GAM), first predicted by Winsor, Johnson and Dawson in an attempt to explain some experimentally observed low frequency oscillations in stellarators, is a special electrostatic fluid mode with low mode number and coupled with the so-called geodesic curvature of a toroidally confined plasma. The recent on this mode are due to the close relevance of the stabi- lization of drift turbulence by both the zonal flow and the GAM. Previously, the GAM was illustrated in very simple geometries,
A detailed study of the divertor performance in EAST has been performed for both its double null (DN) and single null (SN) configurations. The results of application of the SOLPS (B2-Eirene) code package to the analysis of the EAST divertor are summarized. In this work, we concentrate on the effects of increased geometrical closure and of magnetic topology variation on the scrape-off layer (SOL) and divertor plasma behavior. The results of numerical predictions for the EAST divertor operational window are also described in this paper. A simple Core-SOL- Divertor (C-S-D) model was applied to investigate the possibility of extending plasma operational space of low hybrid current drive (LHCD) experiments for EAST.