为了提高PGNAA系统中D-T中子管的中子慢化效率,获得更高的热中子产额,借助蒙特卡罗模拟,确定了以铅为中子反射层、5个聚乙烯层和铅层相互交替作为中子慢化层、碳化硼含量为5%的含硼聚乙烯作为中子吸收层以及铅作为γ屏蔽层的中子慢化装置模型。针对中子产额为3×107n/s的D-T中子管,该慢化装置出射方向低于5 e V的中子产额可达5.28×106n/s,占总中子产额的30.8%,有效提高了中子慢化效率。经过验证模拟结果能够满足实验要求。
We present the design and optimization of a prompt T-ray neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) thermal neutron output setup based on Monte Carlo simulations using MCNP5 computer code. In these simulations, the moderator materials, reflective materials, and structure of the PCNAA 2526f neutrons of thermal neutron output setup are optimized. The simulation results reveal that the thin layer paraffin and the thick layer of heavy water moderating effect work best for the 252Cf neutron spectrum. Our new design shows a significantly improved per- formance of the thermal neutron flux and flux rate, that are increased by 3.02 times and 3.27 times, respectively, compared with the conventional neutron source design.