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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
为了优化菱镁矿尾矿酸浸提镁工艺,提高酸浸效率,对某菱镁矿尾矿中的镁进行了酸浸行为研究,考察了不同反应因素对菱镁矿尾矿中镁浸出率的影响,从动力学角度分析了菱镁矿尾矿中镁的浸出行为。研究结果表明:提高菱镁矿尾矿的细度、硫酸的浓度和浸出温度均有利于镁浸出率的提高,液固比变化对镁浸出率的影响不大。当试样的粒度为0.074~0 mm,硫酸的浓度为1.5 mol/L,浸出液固比为3 m L/g,浸出温度为80℃,浸出时间为2 h时,镁浸出率可达84%。镁的硫酸浸出过程符合液-固相非催化反应的缩芯模型,浸出过程受扩散和化学反应共同控制,浸出反应的表观活化能为21.02 k J/mol。
N-doped carbon quantum dots as fluorescent probes for highly selective and sensitive detection of Fe^3+ ions被引量:6
To investigate the effect of nitrogen on the photoluminescence properties of carbon quantum dots (CO Ds), N-doped carbon quantum dots (N-CQDs)were synthesized by one-step hydrothermal treatment using biomass tar as the carbon precursor.As an inevitable organic pollutant,the unsaturated bonds in biomass tar,such as carboxylic acids,aldehydes,and aromatics,are favorable for formation of the graphitic carbon lattice.The obtained N-CQDs are spherical with an average particle size of 2.64nm and the crystal lattice spacing is 0.25nm,corresponding to the (100)facet of graphitic carbon.The N-CQDs emit bright blue photoluminescence under 365nm ultraviolet light,and they have excellent water solubility and stability with a high quantum yield of 26.1%.Coordination between the functional groups on the N-CQD surface and Fe^3+ ions is promoted because of the improved electronic properties and surface chemical reactivity caused by N atoms,leading to a significant fluorescence quenching effect of the N-CQDs in the presence of Fe^3+ions with high selectivity and sensitivity.There is a linear relationship between In (Fo/F)and the Fe^3+ concentration in the N-CQD concentration range 0.06-1400μmol/L with a detection limit of 60nmol/L, showing that the N-CQ.Ds have great potential as a fluorescent probe for Fe^3+detection.
Xiangyi DengYali FengHaoran LiZhuwei DuQing TengHongjun Wang
利用软锰矿吸收硫酸镁热解尾气二氧化硫制得硫酸锰,再与碳酸氢铵室温下固相球磨反应,制备出前躯体碳酸锰,经热分解获得四氧化三锰。分别考察了物料比、球磨时间、球料比等因素对硫酸锰转化率的影响,采用XRD对产物进行了分析。结果表明,在n(碳酸氢铵)∶n(硫酸锰)=3.5∶1、球磨时间为40 min、球料质量比为5∶1时,硫酸锰的转化率可达99.8%,将固相产物在1 000℃热解1 h后所制备的四氧化三锰纯度为99.9%。该工艺操作简单,产品纯度高,成本低,为硫酸锰制备四氧化三锰提供了新的途径。
高镁低品位软锰矿石传统的锰镁分离工艺均存在污染严重、锰镁离子分离效率低等问题。为了实现高镁低品位软锰矿的高效、低污染开发利用,以广西某高镁低品位软锰矿为原料,对采用酸化还原焙烧+尾气(SO2)还原软锰矿矿浆—还原产物合并浸出—浸出液除杂工艺制得的高纯Mn SO4与Mg SO4混合溶液,进行了NH4HCO3沉Mn2+(锰镁高效分离)工艺条件研究。结果表明,在NH4HCO3与Mn SO4物质的量之比为2.25,反应时间为60 min,反应温度为30℃,搅拌速度为120 r/min情况下,锰镁分离率可达96.96%。该锰镁分离工艺既解决了酸化还原焙烧尾气(SO2)的高效回收利用问题,又高效地实现了浸出液中锰镁离子的分离。
Reductive leaching of low-grade manganese ore with pre-processed cornstalk被引量:1
Cornstalk is usually directly used as a reductant in reduetive leaching manganese. However, low utilization of cornstalk makes low manganese dissolution ratio, In the research, pretreatment for cornstalk was proposed to improve manganese dissolution ratio. Cornstalk was preprocessed by a heated sulfuric acid solution (1.2 M of sulfuric acid concentration) for 10 min at 80℃. Thereafter, both the pretreated solution and the residue were used as a reductant for manganese leaching. This method not only exhibited superior activity for hydrolyzing cornstalk but also enhanced manganese dissolution. These effects were attributed to an increase in the amount of reductive sugars resulting from lignin hydrolysis. Through acid pretreatment for cornstalk, the manganese dissolution ratio was improved from 50.14% to 83.46%. The present work demonstrates for the first time the effective acid pretreatment of cornstalk to provide a cost-effective reductant for manganese leaching.
Ai-fei YiMeng-ni WuPeng-wei LiuYa-li FengHao-ran Li
Effect of iron transformation on Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bio-leaching of clay vanadium residue被引量:1
The acid bio-leaching process of vanadium extraction from clay vanadium water-leached residue was studied and the effect of the performance of iron transformation was investigated.Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans affects the dissolution of vanadium through the catalytic effect on Fe^3+/Fe^2+couple and material exchange.The passivation of iron settling correlates with ferrous ion content in bio-leaching solution.In medium containing A.ferrooxidans and Fe(Ⅲ),the increment in Fe(Ⅱ)concentration leads to the formation of jarosite,generating a decline in vanadium extraction efficiency.Analysis of cyclic voltammetry shows that Fe(Ⅱ)ion is apt to be oxidized and translated into precipitate by A.ferrooxidans,which strongly adsorbed to the surface of the residue.Fe(Ⅲ)ion promotes the vanadium extraction due to its oxidizing activity.Admixing A.ferrooxidans to Fe(Ⅲ)medium elevates the reduction of low valence state vanadium and facilitates the exchange of substance between minerals and solution.This motivates 3.8%and 21.8%increments in recovery ratio and leaching rate of vanadium compared to the Fe(Ⅲ)exclusive use,respectively.Moreover,Fe(Ⅱ)ion impacts vanadium extraction slightly in sterile medium but negatively influences vanadium leaching in the presence of bacteria.
FENG Ya-liWANG Hong-junLI Hao-ranCHEN Xi-peiDU Zhu-weiKANG Jin-xing
为提高综合利用率,对大洋多金属结核碱浸进行预处理研究,考察大洋多金属结核高压低质量分数碱浸过程中Na OH初始质量分数、反应温度、液固比、浸出时间等因素对SiO_2溶出影响,并对高压碱浸脱硅动力学进行研究。研究结果表明:在浸出温度为180℃、质量分数为10%Na OH溶液、液固比为3.0:1.0条件下反应70 min,可制得118.51 g/L的Na2Si O3溶液,其余Na2Si O3以方沸石(Na(Si2Al)O6?H2O)形式析出,SiO_2高压浸出反应的表观活化能为50.08 k J/mol,遵循化学反应控制的收缩核模型。通过高压低质量分数碱浸可选择性浸出其中的SiO_2,并生成有良好吸附性能的方沸石,而不破坏有用金属元素晶格结构,所得浸渣锰质量分数为30.72%以上。
Recovery of valuable metals from a low-grade nickel ore using an ammonium sulfate roasting-leaching process被引量:14
Metal leaching from a low-grade nickel ore was investigated using an ammonium sulfate roasting-water leaching process. The nickel ore was mixed with ammonium sulfate, followed by roasting and finally leaching with water. During the process the effects of the amotmt of ammonium sulfate, roasting temperature, and roasting time on the leaching recovery of metal elements were analyzed. The optimum technological parameters were determined as follows: ammonium sulfate/ore ratio, 0.8 g/g; roasting temperature, 400℃; and roasting time, 2 h. Under the optimum condition the leaching recoveries ofNi, Cu, Fe, and Mg were 83.48%, 76.24%, 56.43%, and 62.15%, respectively. Furthermore, the dissolution kinetics of Ni and Mg from the nickel ore was studied. The apparent activation energies for the leaching reaction of Ni and Mg were 18.782 and 10.038 kJ.mo1-1, which were consistent with the values of diffusion control reactions. Therefore, the results demonstrated that the leaching recoveries of Ni and Mg were controlled by diffusion.
Xin-wei L iuYa-li FengHao-ran L iZhi-chao YangZhen-lei Cai
Effect of biological pretreatment on flotation recovery of pyrolusite被引量:1
Bacillus mucilaginosus was used in pretreatment ofpyrolusite to facilitate the flotation removal of quartz from pyrolusite minerals. Quartz was activated by B. mucilaginosus, whereas pyrolusite was unaffected at pH 7 with laurylamine as collector. Flotation recovery of pyrolusite with B. mucilaginosus pretreatment is 73.62%, slightly lower than that of the process without biopretreament, namely 74.70%. The grade of concentrate of recovered pyrolusite is 19.44%, 2.18% higher than that of the recovered pyrolusite without B. mucilaginosus pretreatment (17.26%). The results of FTIR and SEM showed that no bacteria were adsorbed on the surface of quartz or pyrolusite, indicating that the better selectivity and collectability of flotation resulted from bacterial byproducts. And interaction of bacterial byproducts such as extracellular bacterial polysaccharide, extracellular bacterial protein and acetic acid, on minerals were studied by FTIR and adsorption.
为了高效开发利用某高镁铜尾矿中的镁,对其盐酸浸取工艺技术条件进行了研究,并建立了浸出动力学模型。研究结果表明,在盐酸浓度为1 mol/L,反应温度为353 K,液固比为3∶1,反应时间为4 h,搅拌速度为300 r/min条件下,镁浸出率可达75.55%;Avrami模型能较好地描述浸出过程。对不同条件下浸渣的XRD、SEM分析表明:当镁浸出率为75.55%时,蛇纹石结构基本全部被破坏,因而浸渣中的蛇纹石衍射峰消失;高温高压也仅能使部分钙镁榴石晶体结构不稳定,并与盐酸反应,这就是镁酸浸率难以大幅提高的原因。