红耳龟Trachemys scripta elegans是一种入侵到全世界六大洲70多个国家和地区的半水栖杂食性爬行动物,现已广泛分布于我国野外环境。在国外,由于红耳龟潜在的生态危害和对人类健康的影响而受到特别关注,但在我国的重视程度却不够。本文从活动节律、取食行为、晒背行为、迁移行为与恋巢性、通讯行为、攻击行为、求偶与交配行为、筑巢行为等8个方面综述了红耳龟行为生态学的研究成果。期望有助于红耳龟在入侵地的科学研究、防治与管理。
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone(LHRH) is known to influence sexual behavior in many vertebrate taxa, but there have been no systematic studies on the role of LHRH in sexual behavior of turtles. We tested the hypotheses that exogenous LHRH analogues would induce sexual behavior of male Four-eyed turtle, Sacalia quadriocellata. We examined this by challenging males with intramuscular injections of mammalian luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue(LHRH-A), human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG), or a combination of the two, and subsequently exposing them to sexually receptive females for behavioral observation. Our data show that the injection of only HCG could not, while that of only LHRH-A could, facilitate sexual behavior along with testicular recrudescence and spermatogenesis in S. quadriocellata. The injection of both LHRH-A and HCG would induce more drastic sexual behavior of the animals than that of LHRH-A alone, indicating HCG enhances the effects of LHRH-A induced sexual behavior. However, different pharmacological dosages of LHRH-A(0.5 μg, 1 μg, 2 μg per 100 g bodyweight) did not correspond to different activity levels. Though the mechanism of LHRH effect was not determined, this study may support that the sexual behavior of S. quadriocellata which occurs at the beginning of the injection despite regression of the gonads. This is the first report on the exogenous LHRH-A induced sexual behavior for this species.
为了探讨土壤酸化对红耳龟(Trachemys scripta elegans)和中华条颈龟(Mauremys sinensis)孵化及稚龟血液生理指标的影响,在孵化温度为(30±0.5)℃,孵化基质pH分别为4、5、6、7的条件下,对比研究了两种龟卵孵化率、畸形率、孵化期和血液生理指标的变化。结果表明,两种龟卵孵化率均随孵化基质pH的降低而降低,pH为4时可使胚胎致死,pH为7、6、5处理同种龟不同处理间和同种处理不同种之间孵化率差异不显著(P>0.05);pH降低红耳龟孵化期缩短,胚胎发育加速,胚胎发育正常,而中华条颈龟畸形率升高(P<0.05);两种稚龟血细胞变化不同,红耳龟红细胞长、短径变长,长短径比增加,红细胞数、白细胞数显著增加(P<0.05),中华条颈龟各项血液生理指标差异不显著。对比研究各项指标可知,红耳龟通过减少畸形率、提高急性应激刺激阈值,增强了对酸胁迫的耐受性。