基因组靶向修饰技术对基因功能研究、基因治疗以及转基因育种研究都具有重要的意义和价值。近年来发展起来的人工核酸酶如ZFNs、TALENs和CRISPR/Cas9等的应用大大提高了基因组靶向修饰的效率。但是由于核酸酶表达载体转染效率、核酸酶表达效率及活性以及基因组被打靶后的修复效率等因素在一定程度上制约着基因组靶向修饰阳性细胞的获得。因此富集和筛选基因组靶向修饰阳性细胞是一个亟待解决的问题。报告载体系统可以间接地反映核酸酶的工作效率并有效富集核酸酶修饰的阳性细胞,进而提高基因组靶向修饰阳性细胞的富集和筛选效率。本文主要针对由非同源末端连接(Non-homologous end joining,NHEJ)和单链退火(Single-strand annealing,SSA)两种修复机制分别介导的报告载体系统的原理和应用进行了详细的介绍,以期为以后的相关研究提供借鉴和参考。
Telomeres are composed of TTAGGG repeats and located at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres protect chromosomes from instability in mammals, including mice and humans. Repetitive TTAGGG sequences are also found at intrachromosomal sites, where they are named as interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs). Aberrant ITSs are implicated in chromosomal instability and found in cancer cells. Interestingly, in pigs, vertebrate telomere sequences TTAGGG (vlTSs) are also localized at the centro- meric region of chromosome 6, in addition to the end of all chromosomes. Surprisingly, we found that botanic telomere se- quences, TTTAGGG (bITSs), also localize with vITSs at the centromeric regions of pig chromosome 6 using telomere fluo- rescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and by comparisons between several species. Furthermore, the average lengths of vITSs are highly correlated with those of the terminal telomeres (TTS). Also, pig ITSs show a high incidence of telomere doublets, suggesting that pig ITSs might be unstable and dynamic. Together, our results show that pig cells maintain the conserved te- lomere sequences that are found at the ITSs from of plants and other vertebrates. Further understanding of the function and regulation of pig ITSs may provide new clues for evolution and chromosomal instability.
JI GuangZhenLIU KaiCHEN ChengBinRUAN WeiMinGLYTSOU ChristinaYANG YangOKUKA MajaSONG WenQingGAGOS SarantisLINingLIU Lin