针对现有Web服务查找准确度不高的问题,提出一种Web服务语义匹配方法——MSURAP(matching semantic using relation and property).该方法在概念间基本推理关系的基础上进行细化,通过对概念间的属性,实例等语义关系比较分析,综合计算得到匹配值,使概念语义匹配准确度提高.实验结果表明,MSURAP在不增加服务查找时间前提下,提高了Web服务查准率.
With the development of Web service technology, using composite services to satisfy users' requirements has become an inevitable tendency. Goal changes caused by changing requirements of users may directly drive the corresponding evolution of service composition. However, most researches focus on how to compose services, and little efforts have been placed on how to evolve the composite services with changing requirements. In this paper, the service composition patterns are defined based on workflow patterns, and the changes of service composition patterns are analyzed according to changing goals. Finally, a case study is given to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.