利用国际协同强化观测期(CEOP)在中国半干旱区退化草地站——通榆站的观测资料,对一个较为完善的陆面过程模式NCAR_CLM4.5(Community Land Model 4.5)的模拟性能进行检验。模拟结果与观测资料的对比表明,CLM4.5能很好地模拟出观测站点的辐射通量、水热交换、土壤温湿的空间分布和时间变化特征。但地表吸收的辐射模拟值略低,土壤湿度偏低,地表吸收的辐射及土壤温度等日变化略大;大气强迫变量处于某些特定的形势下时,模拟存在较大误差,如8月底的模拟。此外,冬季辐射通量、水热交换以及土壤温湿的模拟均存在较大误差,说明CLM4.5模式在冬季地表物理过程的参数化方案上需要进一步改进。
The aim of the present study was to identify multi-decadal variability (MDV) relative to the current centennial global warming trend in available observation data.The centennial global wanning trend was first identified in the global mean surface temperature (STgm) data.The MDV was identified based on three sets of climate variables,including sea surface temperature (SST),ocean temperature from the surface to 700 m,and the NCEP and ERA40 reanalysis datasets,respectively.All variables were detrended and low-pass filtered.Through three independent EOF analyses of the filtered variables,all results consistently showed two dominant modes,with their respective temporal variability resembling the Pacific Decadal Oscillation/Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation (PDO/IPO) and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO).The spatial structure of the PDO-like oscillation is characterized by an ENSO-like structure and hemispheric symmetric features.The structure associated with the AMO-like oscillation exhibits hemispheric asymmetric features with anomalous warm air over Eurasia and warm SST in the Atlantic and Pacific basin north of 10°S,and cold SST over the southern oceans.The Pacific and Atlantic MDV in upper-ocean temperature suggest that they are mutually linked.We also found that the PDO-like and AMO-like oscillations are almost equally important in global-scale MDV by EOF analyses.In the period 1975-2005,the evolution of the two oscillations has given rise to strong temperature trends and has contributed almost half of the STgm warming.Hereon,in the next decade,the two oscillations are expected to slow down the global warming trends.