[Objective] TO study the combined extracting process of porcine blood superoxide dismutase (SOD) and other bioactive substances and thus to provide technical basis for making full use of blood resources and large-scale production of SOD. [Method] Fibronectin, immunoglobulin, and hemoglobin were isolated from porcine blood, and SOD was extracted. Trace pyrogallol self-oxidation method to determine SOD activity was modified by optimizing the volume of pyrogallol and SOD samples, reaction temperature, and buffer pH. The specific activity of SOD was determined with the optimized extraction conditions. [ Result] The improved experimental conditions of SOD activity detection were as follows: 7 pyrogallol (50 mmol/L), 3 ml Tris-HCI (50 mmol/L, pH 8.2), reactive temperature at 25(3, and 10 pl SOD sample solution. The specific activity of extracted SOD was 5 056 U/mg protein. [ Conclusion] Four kinds of bioactive substance can be isolated from porcine blood by modern biological engi- neering integration technology, and the extracted SOD has better activity.