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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
利用SODA同化数据、卫星高度计反演的地转流数据及ICOADS风场资料,刻画了南海西边界流场的三维结构,并着重探讨了中南半岛附近的南海西边界流年际变化特征与ENSO循环的关系.研究结果表明:以经向流速10cm/s界定中南半岛西边界流的核心边界,按此标准其核心区水平方向上为中南半岛沿岸至111°E附近,垂向为200 m以浅.分析发现12.25°N断面西边界流流量的年际变化与ENSO呈显著正相关,流量滞后ENSO 5个月时相关系数最高,达0.38(超过99%置信度).受ENSO期间季风变异影响,和正常年份相比,合成El Nino事件的发展期(7月)-强盛期(12月)-消亡期(次年7月),中南半岛近岸的西边界流呈现增强-减弱-减弱态势;而合成La Nina事件的发展期(7月)-强盛期(12月)-消亡期(次年7月),西边界流却呈现减弱-增强-南强北弱的态势;综上,南海西边界流的年际变化,ENSO是主要调控因素.
A study of response of thermocline in the South China Sea to ENSO events
This paper investigates the response of the thermocline depth(TD) in the South China Sea(SCS) to the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) events using 51-year(from 1960 to 2010) monthly seawater temperature and surface wind stress data acquired from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA), together with heat flux data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP), precipitation data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) and evaporation data from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI). It is indicated that the response of the SCS TD to the El Ni?o or La Ni?a events is in opposite phase. On one hand, the spatial-averaged TDs in the SCS(deeper than 200 m) appear as negative and positive anomalies during the mature phase of the El Ni?o and La Ni?a events, respectively. On the other hand, from June of the El Ni?o year to the subsequent April, the spatial patterns of TD in the north and south of 12°N appear as negative and positive anomalies, respectively, but present positive and negative anomalies for the La Ni?a case. However, positive and negative TD anomalies occur almost in the entire SCS in May of the subsequent year of the El Ni?o and La Ni?a events, respectively. It is suggested that the response of the TD in the SCS to the ENSO events is mainly caused by the sea surface buoyancy flux and the wind stress curl.
PENG HanbangPAN AijunZHENG Quan'anHU Jianyu
利用2006年夏、冬季和2007年春、秋季实测海床基水位资料,基于统计方法和潮汐调和分析方法给出了台湾海峡西部近海的潮汐时空分布特征及其变化规律.结果表明:平潭岛北部至漳浦近海属正规半日潮,汕头近海一带属于不正规半日潮,惠来近海属不正规日潮.全日潮波传播路径为从平潭岛南下至惠来近海,半日分潮传播路径也是如此.汕头-惠来近海由于海峡内南北向两支半日潮波相互抵消,故使得日潮成分占优.最大潮差分布为从平潭岛北部到泉州近海变化不大,厦门东南到惠来近海呈线性递减,原因是台湾北部的旋转潮波系统的南下潮波和从吕宋海峡进入南海的北上潮波在南日岛一带相遇形成驻波,平潭岛北部至泉州近海基本都在波腹内,而厦门东南至惠来近海则不在驻波影响范围之内.以春季为例,平潭岛北部的最大潮差为6.02 m,南日岛近海为6.23 m,泉州近海为5.98 m,厦门东南近海为5.08 m,漳浦近海为4.32 m,汕头近海为2.28 m,最大潮差还呈季节变化.平均潮差的统计结果依旧以春季为例:平潭岛北部3.92 m、南日岛近海4.14 m、泉州近海4.02 m、厦门东南近海3.30 m、漳浦近海2.74 m、汕头近海1.22 m.另外,平潭岛北部至漳浦近海的潮周期均为12 h 25 min左右,且涨落潮历时几乎相等.汕头近海的潮周期约为12 h 30 min,但涨潮历时比落潮历时多1 h 20 min左右.原因是不正规半日潮一个太阴日内的两个涨潮历时和两个落潮历时一般不同,分点潮期间涨落潮历时虽然差较小,但回归潮期间差较大,故会形成汕头近海测站涨潮历时比落潮历时多1 h 20 min左右的现象.
Interannual to decadal variation of spring sea level anomaly in the western South China Sea
Satellite observations of sea level anomalies(SLA) from January 1993 to December 2012 are used to investigate the interannual to decadal changes of the boreal spring high SLA in the western South China Sea(SCS) using the Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) method. We find that the SLA variability has two dominant modes. The Sea Level Changing Mode(SLCM) occurs mainly during La Ni?a years, with high SLA extension from west of Luzon to the eastern coast of Vietnam along the central basin of the SCS, and is likely induced by the increment of the ocean heat content. The Anticyclonic Eddy Mode(AEM) occurs mainly during El Ni?o years and appears to be triggered by the negative wind curl anomalies within the central SCS. In addition, the spring high SLA in the western SCS experienced a quasi-decadal change during 1993–2012; in other words, the AEM predominated during 1993–1998 and 2002–2005, while the La Ni?a-related SLCM prevailed during 1999–2001 and 2006–2012. Moreover, we suggest that the accelerated sea level rise in the SCS during 2005–2012 makes the SLCM the leading mode over the past two decades.
QIU FuwenFANG WendongPAN AijuCHA JingZHANG ShanwuHUANG Jiang
Analysis of monthly variability of thermocline in the South China Sea被引量:2
This study analyzes monthly variability of thermocline and its mechanism in the South China Sea (SCS). The study is based on 51-year (1960-2010) monthly seawater temperature and surface wind stress data from Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA), together with heat flux, precipitation and evaporation data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, respectively. The results reveal that the upper boundary depth (Zup), lower boundary depth (Zlow), thickness (AZ) and intensity (Tz) of thermocline in the SCS show remarkable monthly variability. Being averaged for the deep basin of SCS, Zup deepens gradually from May to the following January and then shoals from February to May, while Zow varies little throughout the whole year. Further diagnostics indicates that the monthly variability of Zup is mainly caused by the buoyancy flux and wind stress curl. Using a linear method, the impacts of the buoyancy flux and wind stress curl on Zup can be quantitatively distinguished. The results suggest that Zup tends to deepen about 4.6 m when the buoyancy flux increases by 1 × 10.5 kg/(m·s3), while it shoals about 2.5 m when the wind stress curl strengthens by 1 × 10-7 N/m3.
PENG HanbangPAN AijunZHENG Quan'anHU Jianyu
Responses of Guangdong coastal upwelling to the summertime typhoons of 2006被引量:4
The effects of typhoon intrusion on the Guangdong coastal upwelling system were investigated on the basis of in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) cruise observations and especially upward-looking ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) measurements obtained from a comprehensive survey of the Guangdong coastal region carded out by the Chinese Off- shore Investigation and Assessment Project in the summer of 2006. It was found that northeastward geostrophic advection driven by the summer monsoon has a significant near-seabed onshore component adjacent to Shantou, which in conjunction with upper-level offshore Ekman flow, constitutes the canonical Guangdong coastal upwelling system. Further analyses suggested that the Guangdong coastal upwelling system is sensitive to subtle changes in the typhoon intensity and migration pathway. On one hand, as a typhoon approaches from north of the upwelling system (e.g. Typhoon 0604 (Bilis) and Typhoon 0605 (Kaemi)) in the early phase of inmasion, the enhanced southwesterly leads to exceptional enhancement of the onshore flow; i.e., enhanced upwelling. Afterward, irrespective of the forced ocean responses resulting from the stronger local winds (Typhoon 0604) or the moderate typhoon-induced inertial oscillations (Typhoon 0605), the situation is not conducive to sustaining a stable, persistent upwelling system. On the other hand, when there is typhoon intrusion south of the upwelling system (e.g. Typhoon 0606 (Prapiroon)), the favorable southwesterly tends to be substituted by an anomalous northeasterly, which destroys the traditional coastal upwelling pattern. However, the canonical upwelling system tends to recover within 1-2 days of the typhoon passing.
PAN AiJunGUO XiaoGangXU JinDianHUANG JiangWAN XiaoFang
利用OAFLUX气候态月平均热通量资料及TMI云量、降雨、SST和QuikScat风场资料,对南海、特别是巴拉望岛西北海域净热通量的时空特征进行了深入分析.研究发现,夏季在巴拉望岛西北海域存在一局域净热通量极小值区,在7月份该海域海洋甚至呈现失热达20 W/m2情况.分析认为该局地净热通量异常可能与南海暖水的发生、发展有关,即由于西南季风爆发,巴拉望岛西北海域对流加强,一方面,蒸发增大使得潜热增大、云量增多,导致入射太阳短波辐射的减少;另一方面,降水的增大使得该海域出现障碍层现象,障碍层导致的局地海温正反馈进一步增强了局地对流,从而加剧海洋失热过程,促成了巴拉望岛西北海域净热通量局地异常的出现.进一步的经验正交模态(EOF)分析表明,在季节变化尺度上,南海净热通量的第一模态(89.1%)呈同位相变化,反映了南海受冬、夏季风的交替驱动特征;其中南海北部(海南岛至台湾海峡南段的带状海域)为振幅最大区,这与该海域存在年平均最大风速有关;第二模态(10.0%)以吕宋岛至雷州半岛一线为界,南北两侧反相,并具有显著的局域特征;不仅反映了黑潮入侵与南海环流的季节变化,而且还发现巴拉望岛西北海域存在一局地极值域,对应夏季净热通量异常区.
利用2006年"中国近海海洋综合调查与评价(908专项)"项目在台湾海峡实施的冬季航次获取的大面CTD温盐数据以及由北向南分别布放在平潭岛(PT)、泉州(QZ)、漳浦(ZP)和汕头(ST)外海附近的4个海床基获取的海流、水位和近海底水温资料,结合同期卫星遥感风场和海表温度场(SST)等数据,对浙闽沿岸流的时空分布,特别是平潭岛外海浙闽沿岸流对冬季风松弛的响应特征与机理开展了比较深入的研究.结果表明:2006年冬季平潭岛外海的浙闽沿岸流垂向混合均一,当冬季风松弛时,浙闽沿岸流(<14℃)南侵减弱,暖咸的海峡混合水(>14℃,由海峡暖流水和黑潮分支水构成)北移;而当冬季风回复时,浙闽沿岸流的南侵显著增强.浙闽沿岸水与海峡混合水构成的温度界面在冬季风强迫下呈西北-东南走向平移,导致该海域近海底水温出现周期性的冷暖交替现象.通过对大尺度风场的EOF(Empirical Orthogonal Function)分析,结合针对海表水位、海流和近海底水温的小波谱分析,可以发现,平潭岛外海浙闽沿岸流对冬季风松弛的响应主要是由于冬季影响中国东南沿海的大气锋面系统过境激发的沿岸向南传播的陆架截获波引起的,导致该海域海流和近海底水温等呈现准5和10d的亚潮频周期波动;局地风场驱动的埃克曼平流及其产生的向(离)岸水体堆积效应的贡献次之.