On the basis of previous work,we develop a middle and low latitude theoretical ionospheric model in this paper...
YUE XinAn~(1,2,3),WAN WeiXing~(1+),LIU LiBo~1,LE HuiJun~1,CHEN YiDing~1 & YU Tao~(4,1) 1 Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China
On the basis of previous work, we develop a middle and low latitude theoretical ionospheric model in this paper, named Theoretical Ionospheric Model of the Earth in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIME-IGGCAS). TIME-IGGCAS solves the equations of mass continuity, motion and energy of electron and ions self-consistently and uses an eccentric dipole field approxima-tion to the Earth’s magnetic field. We combine the Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches in the model and take account of the plasma E×B drift velocity. Calculation results reveal that the model is steady and credible and can reproduce most large-scale features of ionosphere. By using TIME-IGGCAS, we carried out an observation system data assimilation experiment. Assimilation results show that the E×B drift velocity can be accurately estimated by ingesting the observed foF2 and hmF2 into the model ap-plying nonlinear least-square fit method. We suggest that this work is of great significance in the de-velopment of ionospheric data assimilation model to give better nowcast and forecast of ionosphere.