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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
付晓辛王新明Francois Bernard
选择广州市20家不同星级的宾馆,用不锈钢采样罐采集客房空气样品,并用预浓缩-气相色谱/质谱联用系统检测.宾馆客房空气中8种苯系物的总浓度平均值为273.1μg/m3,范围为2.3~1058μg/m3.苯,甲苯,乙苯和二甲苯平均值分别为22.9,151.6,46.4和60.5μg/m3.苯平均值变动范围为0.7~72.2μg/m3,均低于我国室内空气质量标准GB/T 18883-2002的限值,但初步计算表明苯暴露对宾馆工作人员和经常入住人群的致癌风险超过1 10-6.甲苯平均浓度范围为1.4~841μg/m3,按我国空气质量标准超标率为24%.宾馆苯系物浓度与星级和装修时间没有显著相关性,一些最近期装修的宾馆可能因采用环保装修材料,苯系物浓度反而相对较低.苯系物浓度最高的数个宾馆装修时间2~5a,其苯与甲苯浓度比值(B/T)都比较低,苯系物来源以室内释放为主.虽然因通风原因宾馆客房苯系物浓度受所处地段室外空气质量影响,但我们的研究表明降低宾馆客房内苯系物水平的最关键因素是采用环保的室内装修材料和产品.
Aerosol scattering coefficients and major chemical compositions of fine particles observed at a rural site in the central Pearl River Delta,South China被引量:25
During November–December 2010 aerosol scattering coefficients were monitored using a single-waved (525 nm) Nephelometer at a regional monitoring station in the central Pearl River Delta region and 24-hr fine particle (PM 2.5) samples were also collected during the period using quartz filters for the analysis of major chemical components including organic carbon (OC),elemental carbon (EC),sulfate,nitrate and ammonium.In average,these five components accounted for about 85% of PM 2.5 mass and contributed 42% (OC),19% (SO 4 2 -),12% (NO 3 -),8.4% (NH 4+) and 3.7% (EC),to PM 2.5 mass.A relatively higher mass scattering efficiency of 5.3 m 2/g was obtained for fine particles based on the linear regression between scattering coefficients and PM 2.5 mass concentrations.Chemical extinction budget based on IMPROVE approach revealed that ammonium sulfate,particulate organic matter,ammonium nitrate and EC in average contributed about 32%,28%,20% and 6% to the light extinction coefficients,respectively.
Xinming WangXiang DingXiaoxin FuQuanfu HeShaoyi WangFrancois BernardXiuying ZhaoDui Wu
Compositions and sources of organic acids in fine particles(PM_(2.5)) over the Pearl River Delta region, south China被引量:6
Organic acids as important constituents of organic aerosols not only influence the aerosols' hygroscopic property, but also enhance the formation of new particles and secondary organic aerosols. This study reported organic acids including C14-C32 fatty acids, C4-C9 dicarboxylic acids and aromatic acids in PM2.5 collected during winter 2009 at six typical urban, suburban and rural sites in the Pearl River Delta region. Averaged concentrations of C14-C32 fatty acids, aromatic acids and C4- C9 dicarboxylic acids were 157, 72.5 and 50.7 ng/m3, respectively. They totally accounted for 1.7% of measured organic carbon. C20-C32 fatty acids mainly deriving from higher plant wax showed the highest concentration at the upwind rural site with more vegetation around, while Cl4-C18 fatty acids were more abundant at urban and suburban sites, and dicarboxylic acids and aromatic acids except 1,4-phthalic acid peaked at the downwind rural site. Succinic and azelaic acid were the most abundant among C4-C9 dicarboxylic acids, and 1,2-phthalic and 1,4-phthalic acid were dominant aromatic acids. Dicarboxylic acids and aromatic acids exhibited significant mutual correlations except for 1,4-phthalic acid, which was probably primarily emitted from combustion of solid wastes containing polyethylene terephthalate plastics. Spatial patterns and correlations with typical source tracers suggested that C14-C32 fatty acids were mainly primary while dicarboxylic and aromatic acids were largely secondary. Principal component analysis resolved six sources including biomass burning, natural higher plant wax, two mixed anthropogenic and two secondary sources; further multiple linear regression revealed their contributions to individual organic acids. It turned out that more than 70% of C14-C18 fatty acids were attributed to anthropogenic sources, about 50%-85% of the C20-C32 fatty acids were attributed to natural sources, 80%-95% of dicarboxylic acids and 1,2-phthalic acid were secondary in contrast with that 81% of 1,4-phthalic acid was primary.
Xiuying ZhaoXinming WangXiang DingQuanfu HeZhou ZhangTengyu LiuXiaoxin FuBo GaoYunpeng WangYanli ZhangXuejiao DengDui Wu
Emission of oxygenated volatile organic compounds(OVOCs)during the aerobic decomposition of orange wastes被引量:4
Oxygenated volatile organic compounds(OVOCs) emitted from orange wastes during aerobic decomposition were investigated in a laboratory-controlled incubator for a period of two months. Emission of total OVOCs(TOVOCs) from orange wastes reached 1714 mg/dry kg(330 mg/wet kg). Ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, 2-butanone and acetaldehyde were the most abundant OVOC species with shares of 26.9%, 24.8%, 20.3%, 13.9%, 2.8%and 2.5%, respectively, in the TOVOCs released. The emission fluxes of the above top five OVOCs were quite trivial in the beginning but increased sharply to form one "peak emission window" with maximums at days 1-8 until leveling off after 10 days. This type of "peak emission window" was synchronized with the CO2 fluxes and incubation temperature of the orange wastes, indicating that released OVOCs were mainly derived from secondary metabolites of orange substrates through biotic processes rather than abiotic processes or primary volatilization of the inherent pool in oranges. Acetaldehyde instead had emission fluxes decreasing sharply from its initial maximum to nearly zero in about four days,suggesting that it was inherent rather than secondarily formed. For TOVOCs or all OVOC species except 2-butanone and acetone, over 80% of their emissions occurred during the first week, implying that organic wastes might give off a considerable amount of OVOCs during the early disposal period under aerobic conditions.
Ting WuXinming Wang
Role of ammonia in forming secondary aerosols from gasoline vehicle exhaust被引量:7
Ammonia(NH3) plays vital roles in new particle formation and atmospheric chemistry. Although previous studies have revealed that it also influences the formation of secondary organic aerosols(SOA) from ozonolysis of biogenic and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds(VOCs), the influence of NH3 on particle formation from complex mixtures such as vehicle exhausts is still poorly understood. Here we directly introduced gasoline vehicles exhausts(GVE) into a smog chamber with NH3 absorbed by denuders to examine the role of NH3 in particle formation from GVE. We found that removing NH3 from GVE would greatly suppress the formation and growth of particles. Adding NH3 into the reactor after 3 h photo-oxidation of GVE, the particle number concentration and mass concentrations jumped explosively to much higher levels, indicating that the numbers and mass of particles might be enhanced when aged vehicle exhausts are transported to rural areas and mixed with NH3-rich plumes. We also found that the presence of NH3 had no significant influence on SOA formation from GVE. Very similar oxygen to carbon(O:C) and hydrogen to carbon(H:C) ratios resolved by aerosol mass spectrometer with and without NH3 indicated that the presence of NH3 also had no impact on the average carbon oxidation state of SOA from GVE.
Tengyu LiuXinming WangWei DengYanli ZhangBiwu ChuXiang DingQihou HuHong HeJiming Hao