A novel rcgularization-based approach is presented for super-resolution reconstruction in order to achieve good tradeoff between noise removal and edge preservation. The method is developed by using L1 norm as data fidelity term and anisotropic fourth-order diffusion model as a regularization item to constrain the smoothness of the reconstructed images. To evaluate and prove the performance of the proposed method, series of experiments and comparisons with some existing methods including bi-cubic interpolation method and bilateral total variation method are carried out. Numerical results on synthetic data show that the PSNR improvement of the proposed method is approximately 1.0906 dB on average compared to bilateral total variation method, and the results on real videos indicate that the proposed algorithm is also effective in terms of removing visual artifacts and preserving edges in restored images.
针对各向异性扩散冲击滤波器(ADSF)在图像增强中对噪声敏感的问题,将梯度矢量流(GVF)引入到ADSF中,提出一种新的图像去噪方法 GVF-ADSF。在改进的GVF-ADSF方法中,通过引入曲率差来区分图像的特征区域,并定义一个加权系数来控制滤波器中2个扩散项在图像的边缘区域和平坦区域的扩散程度,使得图像区域之间能够自然的平滑过渡。通过实验对比本文方法与均值滤波、Perona and Mailk(PM)模型、ADSF模型的去噪性能,结果表明所提方法能很好地去除图像噪声并保留图像丰富的纹理细节,得到更高的信噪比。